
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hey! Where'd you get those cupcakes?

So, I went out to meet DH last night...I left the kids with a sitter. Cupcakes were boxed up and ready to go for this morning. I came home and our sitter said, "Where'd you get those cupcakes? They're really nice." I looked at her and in a state of shock. It had been a long day so maybe I didn't hear her, she really thought I bought these ones...
Doesn't matter to Simon where they came from, he was just angling for one...see that bowl??? He got it just for his cupcake. Sorry Baby!
Let's take a closer look...mmmm....look at that goose egg. Pretty nasty! My little monkey fell off of a chair onto the patio on Thursday. We went to the ER. They took his vital stats...we waiting 3 hours...then when only 1 of the 2 people ahead of us were called in after those 3 hours we left. It was 9pm. Simon was tired, I was was crazy. In that time we; broke the vending machine (our pretzels didn't come out so I gave it a little rock), met a number of ambulance drivers, one of them turned the lights on for Simon (his face totally lit up!), he ran up to another one and gave him an 'airplane' hug (a Simon special), then he got to see in the back of an an was crazy! He's such a nut...
All packaged up and ready to go...I didn't have quite enough room in my boxes for the cupcakes so I had to put a few in a different box...isn't it cute?
Almost forgot, these are lemon cupcakes with lemon icing. Yum!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let's hear it for the boys!

These are from a few weeks ago but as I mentioned on my Facebook account, I did not get any good photos so here they are...2 boy cakes the same week! This was intense for me...

First a cake that required a good bit of sculpting and proportioning...whew! Everybody meet Anakin Legoman Skywalker. everyone!
The other little man in my client's life is a big Handy Manny fan! So without further adieu here is Handy Manny and some of his friends!
This cake was a lot of fun for me...I had no idea how much I would enjoy sculpting with fondant...I'm always telling the kids that it's like PlayDoh apparently I haven't gotten that out of my system yet! ;)

Here is a photo I love...
It captures such a special moment.

I hope everyone had a fabulous time at the May Birthday Bash thanks for including Creative Bug!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shiver me timbers!!!

We went out and found us some treasure yesterday! It started with this very appropriate birthday card...
My DH wholeheartedly agreed that the caption was absolutely appropriate for both myself and the person the card is from! Thanks so made me laugh! xo

Then we were off to do some Antiquing (DH now works Tues to Sat but since it was a long weekend he got Tues off as well...) We found this fabulous rustic chest for the boys' they will have their own treasure box! There are hinges to change out and the handle needs to be changed but other than that, it's good to go!
We also found this mirror that totally co-ordinates with Princess' furniture so we will paint it and mount it above her built-in vanity (I know, she's spoiled eh?!)
Then there were these...locally grown, freshly picked strawberries! Yum! We ate a few on the way home but then waited till after supper to enjoy a little treat...
Simon's Strawberry Shortcake was downsized a little (ours were loaded with berries!) We enjoyed the berries on freshly made lemon poppy seed biscuits.
All-in-all, I'd have to say that life is good!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just in case... think it's a little too quiet over here. are wondering where I have been. have been checking up on me...

I thought I would post a short note and a could I not include a photo?
This is artwork that is now hanging in Sarah's room. She and I did it together sometime ago and then it got hung sometime after that...we haven't finished Sean's yet so I was thinking I would wait but enough's enough.

She loves it...she created's all good.

As for me, there are a few things that are different this week. I didn't have anything booked this week. Not. One. Thing. Well, maybe one thing but we had to cancel because my baby boy is sick, oh so sick. He has some sort of a stomach bug. In fact he's napping now. Not because I'm a nice Mum who rocked him to sleep, or even who laid down with him. No. Because he asked to go to bed. I had to pick him up and carry him upstairs and put him in his bed. Even though he has so few words. I saw relief. Poor guy.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy, Happy Birthday to me...

...and to you! These are the people I know, I know who share my Aunt Mary-Lou (wasn't I a great birthday gift? C: ), my Brother-in-law, and now as it turns out there is this totally fab photographer that I know (went to high school with) who's daughter was born on my birthday! So, in honour of these fabulous people as well as myself and those who I don't know about I baked a cake!
The last few years I have enjoyed cake baked my DH and the kids but I don't know quite what happened this year...and my DH feels the is a sample from a few years ago. Last year's was really good but I don't think I blogged it...sad eh? My DH's talent going unnoticed by all of you like that! ;)
Did I mention that I made Pink Lemonade Cake? I decided that the cake must be PINK, of course! I may have over-pinked it...what do you think? I kept the icing the hint of pink that the Pink Lemonade Concentrate created. The cake was a hit! Our guests thoroughly enjoyed it...consider it added to my repertoire! Cream Cheese Icing would also be fabulous with this delight, in my opinion...


PS my buttercream never turns out this nice! I definitely did something right this time around!

Dare to be Fabulous!

I was asked to do a Stampin' Up! Demonstration by some friends a while back. Well, they gave me plenty of warning but I didn't take much time to prepare in advance...I just kept wondering how on earth I was going to keep a table of grown women entertained for a couple of hours while telling them about SU!'s Fabulous products!
I know the above photo is blurry but these cards turned out so fantastic I wanted to share a few with you to show you how different they all were...
The White Swirl was embossed with clear embossing powder and done as an emboss resist. Then we stamped and sponged Riding Hood Red (which is coming back), Pumpkin Pie and Summer Sun.
We did this on the Top Note Shape, the background piece, the bit with the words and finally the insert for the card. Things also got a bit cheeky there...they loved the bra card!
It's just too cute isn't it? It's good to have fun!
I had a good time out with you ladies! Looking forward to next time!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Three Little Words...

Whew! I have been so busy lately! So many blog posts to catch up on! Maybe after this one you will get a day off...but then again, maybe not! ;)

I am was so happy to get a note from the Mom who asked for all of the Unicorn goodies telling me that Megan...a girl who I love even though I have never met (she likes surprise parties, fairies and unicorns...this girl is fabulous in my books!) had a fabulous party last weekend. So now it is time for three little words to be shared...
They are simple but effective words...
and important words too...
And thank you to you, all of my readers, my fans, my clients, my friends. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here. Creative Bug is having a fabulous year so far! This is one for the record books! We are building and growing and having fun! I am so very lucky and so very blessed.

Thanks so much.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Someday their prince will come!

Last week I delivered this cake for Olivia who was turning 6...
Because of the sudden increase in humidity...the crown collapsed and we had quite the adventure replacing the crown and making it work for Olivia's party at home. But it worked! Whew! I was a little nervous but Olivia's Mum took it all in stride..."You said you would make it work and you did." Wow! Thank you. I was so excited for the opportunity to make that cake! I love the sweet and fun!

Now, Olivia also had a Buggy Birthday here this past weekend...Here she is working on some Shrink Art with her friends...have I told you how much I love shrink art???Here they are watching it shrink! Teehee! Those pictures of the girls in front of my oven always make me smile!

Another great part about this party is that we had some friends return...Olivia had been to a party before at her friend Sarah's was nice to see both of the girls again. And what a wonderful group of girls they were. These girls know how to have fun!
Speaking of could these cupcakes not make you giggle with delight??? The girls were okay with kissing these frogs that's for sure! Then there were the frog mom said "Now you can say that you've eaten frog!", one of the girls responded with "I think I've got a frog in my throat!" I almost lost it!!! Why didn't I think of those???Fabulous! Happy Birthday Olivia!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I have to be honest, I had planned on taking and adding photos from yesterday to this post but then, I was too busy enjoying my day. It was lovely. I find my family quite entertaining...but first I will show you what we did in Creative Kids...
Oreo Truffles! Yum!Then the kids made and designed purses to put them in along with coordinating was fabulous! There were scraps of paper all over my table (it was covered!) and the kids were passing the punches and glueing...I loved every minute of it! The best part was my Mum was here to help! Yep! That's twice lately...she really is the best!!!

Anyway, back to my Mother's Day now...the kids woke up DH at 6:48 (very reluctantly, he got up). They went downstairs and prepared Breakfast in Bed for me...cold cereal, a banana, a cup of tea and some tulips cut from our garden. It's funny I don't really drink tea but they insist on it on Mother's Day. They presented me with cards they made at school and with the babysitter on was all lovely. We are all about homemade here...

Then off to church we went where I handed out Gerber Daisies to all the ladies in our congregation with our teens. We did it last year and they loved it so we decided to do it again. It's nice...then home again where I made my own lunch...I wanted something other than a bagel with cream cheese and DH is no chef! ;) But I'm okay with that...I love my family just the way it is! Then I spent the whole afternoon on my own scrapbooking. Something I haven't done in a long time...I will have some pages to share with you soon I promise!

Finally out to dinner at a local greasy spoon (everywhere else would be busy and I wasn't cooking!) A chapter of Lemony Snickett, A Series of Unfortunate Events (so good)! and off to bed for my lovelies...a lovely day.

Hope everyone else had a great Mother's Day too!


Sunday, May 09, 2010

Tabling Issues...

It seems that lately I say...okay...I'm busy enough I shouldn't take on anymore work. I'm good. I mean really. I. Am. Not. Superwoman. Or Wonderwoman...really. Well, this is the cake that was ordered weeks ago and it was the focus of my week...I was nervous...ugh! I don't even know what I was so scared of now but part of the reason I took the last minute order on Thursday was to procrastinate (come on, some of you do it too!)...Ahh, well. Here it is...
My Mom helped me with the painting of the table...she did the wood grain highlights. My mom has been painting since I can remember. I never wanted to learn (she used to teach) and now, I actually have a use for it! Damn! Oh well, Mom thank you for your are the best...and Happy Mother's Day too!
Of course the table couldn't be empty...there was a message to be shared...and there is a story too (of course!) I got a call about a month ago when I was out...I did not recognize the name (that happens lately) so I called her back and low and behold...I met this woman months ago when she and my sister-in-law popped in one night. Okay! Alright...
Well, you see Nick and Liv are moving...they have been asked to relocate in order to help another congregation in need. So, they are. And today there was a celebration for the new beginning they will embark on.

We wish you all the best guys...hope you had fun today and enjoyed the cake!


Saturday, May 08, 2010

Hey wait a minute!

So, a few weeks ago it looked like May was going to be on the quiet side...SO...I booked myself a pedicure. Nice, right? Well, as I was sitting there with my feet soaking (hey we never turned the massage on the chair! Oops!) My esthetician said..."Heather Habgood..." well right off the bat that's not fair...I don't know her last name... "I was wondering if you could make a cake for my daughter's birthday...tomorrow?"
I didn't answer for the longest time...I sat there and thought...and considered...and said "well, there is this recipe I've been wanting to try..." But no, it had to be chocolate. Oh. Well, now we're getting picky eh? then I asked her about design and colour and other than it being a girly cake and chocolate, there were no specifications. SO, since the cake of the week was weighing heavily on me, I decided to take on the project for fun...I know, it's weird but what can I say?
I later heard in the schoolyard that Arlene was gushing about the cake after she picked it up yesterday. But please, as I instructed her yesterday...don't do that to me again! It happened to work out this time but normally some notice really helps with planning and preparation and then there is my schedule...I had to bring in extra help yesterday to get everything together for this week!

I hope you had a fabulous birthday Hailey!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Yabba Dabba Doo!

Alright so it's not a Flinstone's Cake but it was the first thing that came to mind because I had such trouble uploading my photos into Blogger last night!

So...there is usually a story and this is no see...I got a call about 7 days in advance on this one...Simon was up from nap making a terrible racket on my end of the line so I could barely hear what was going was horrible! Simon was making happy noises so I really shouldn't complain but really!
As I spoke to my client...she described the cake she wanted and I knew exactly what she was talking about...I had seen the same cake before myself...and I was already pretty booked...some might say a little overbooked...

But the 3 cakes I had on order were fairly simple (well, sort of) and this one wasn't overly complicated (I mean it's only one tier, right?) And my DH's voice was echoing in my head...don't turn away business if you can fit it in...
So here it dinosaur cake(s)! They were fun to do...even if I lost a little sleep over them! And my client who ordered them...well she made it totally worthwhile in the end. She was SO excited...I got a great big response and a great big was definitely worth it in the end!
Maybe I should have made one for myself as a pet? Hmmmm...


Sunday, May 02, 2010

An impression...

You know...the Olympics have been over for some time but they certainly left an impression on many families that we know. Yesterday we celebrated Kyle's 4th birthday with a Team Canada Hockey theme.
We made Shrink Art Key Chains...
Team Canada Loot Bags to bring our treasures home in...A Team Canada Hockey Cake to share at the party...And cookies to take home and decorate in the loot bags. Happy Birthday Kyle! Thank you for sharing your birthday with was fun!


Saturday, May 01, 2010


This is what my stove top looked like earlier this week...also note the cake book further down next to my glass of water! I mixed up 6 batches of batter that day...they have been turned into 4 cakes of various shapes, flavours and sizes.
The first cake delivered was...well, here's a hint...
A Twilight Cake...this cake was Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Icing. Everything is edible and handmade including the apple, yep, it's icing...
I talked a friend into letting me make this cake for her daughter's birthday. Her Abigail is 10 and a huge Twilight fan! I think my friend was worried about troubling me but I love creating new fun!
Happy Birthday Abby! I hope you love your cake!
