
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Someday their prince will come!

Last week I delivered this cake for Olivia who was turning 6...
Because of the sudden increase in humidity...the crown collapsed and we had quite the adventure replacing the crown and making it work for Olivia's party at home. But it worked! Whew! I was a little nervous but Olivia's Mum took it all in stride..."You said you would make it work and you did." Wow! Thank you. I was so excited for the opportunity to make that cake! I love the sweet and fun!

Now, Olivia also had a Buggy Birthday here this past weekend...Here she is working on some Shrink Art with her friends...have I told you how much I love shrink art???Here they are watching it shrink! Teehee! Those pictures of the girls in front of my oven always make me smile!

Another great part about this party is that we had some friends return...Olivia had been to a party before at her friend Sarah's was nice to see both of the girls again. And what a wonderful group of girls they were. These girls know how to have fun!
Speaking of could these cupcakes not make you giggle with delight??? The girls were okay with kissing these frogs that's for sure! Then there were the frog mom said "Now you can say that you've eaten frog!", one of the girls responded with "I think I've got a frog in my throat!" I almost lost it!!! Why didn't I think of those???Fabulous! Happy Birthday Olivia!


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