
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Hey wait a minute!

So, a few weeks ago it looked like May was going to be on the quiet side...SO...I booked myself a pedicure. Nice, right? Well, as I was sitting there with my feet soaking (hey we never turned the massage on the chair! Oops!) My esthetician said..."Heather Habgood..." well right off the bat that's not fair...I don't know her last name... "I was wondering if you could make a cake for my daughter's birthday...tomorrow?"
I didn't answer for the longest time...I sat there and thought...and considered...and said "well, there is this recipe I've been wanting to try..." But no, it had to be chocolate. Oh. Well, now we're getting picky eh? then I asked her about design and colour and other than it being a girly cake and chocolate, there were no specifications. SO, since the cake of the week was weighing heavily on me, I decided to take on the project for fun...I know, it's weird but what can I say?
I later heard in the schoolyard that Arlene was gushing about the cake after she picked it up yesterday. But please, as I instructed her yesterday...don't do that to me again! It happened to work out this time but normally some notice really helps with planning and preparation and then there is my schedule...I had to bring in extra help yesterday to get everything together for this week!

I hope you had a fabulous birthday Hailey!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing better then being caught off guard eh? I hope my couple week notice was okay?!?! :) Can't wait!
