
Monday, May 03, 2010

Yabba Dabba Doo!

Alright so it's not a Flinstone's Cake but it was the first thing that came to mind because I had such trouble uploading my photos into Blogger last night!

So...there is usually a story and this is no see...I got a call about 7 days in advance on this one...Simon was up from nap making a terrible racket on my end of the line so I could barely hear what was going was horrible! Simon was making happy noises so I really shouldn't complain but really!
As I spoke to my client...she described the cake she wanted and I knew exactly what she was talking about...I had seen the same cake before myself...and I was already pretty booked...some might say a little overbooked...

But the 3 cakes I had on order were fairly simple (well, sort of) and this one wasn't overly complicated (I mean it's only one tier, right?) And my DH's voice was echoing in my head...don't turn away business if you can fit it in...
So here it dinosaur cake(s)! They were fun to do...even if I lost a little sleep over them! And my client who ordered them...well she made it totally worthwhile in the end. She was SO excited...I got a great big response and a great big was definitely worth it in the end!
Maybe I should have made one for myself as a pet? Hmmmm...


1 comment:

  1. Heather we all just loved the dinosaur cakes.. Mason thoroughly enjoyed his.. You totally out did yourself. I would recommend you in a heartbeat to all my family and friends.
