
Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I have to be honest, I had planned on taking and adding photos from yesterday to this post but then, I was too busy enjoying my day. It was lovely. I find my family quite entertaining...but first I will show you what we did in Creative Kids...
Oreo Truffles! Yum!Then the kids made and designed purses to put them in along with coordinating was fabulous! There were scraps of paper all over my table (it was covered!) and the kids were passing the punches and glueing...I loved every minute of it! The best part was my Mum was here to help! Yep! That's twice lately...she really is the best!!!

Anyway, back to my Mother's Day now...the kids woke up DH at 6:48 (very reluctantly, he got up). They went downstairs and prepared Breakfast in Bed for me...cold cereal, a banana, a cup of tea and some tulips cut from our garden. It's funny I don't really drink tea but they insist on it on Mother's Day. They presented me with cards they made at school and with the babysitter on was all lovely. We are all about homemade here...

Then off to church we went where I handed out Gerber Daisies to all the ladies in our congregation with our teens. We did it last year and they loved it so we decided to do it again. It's nice...then home again where I made my own lunch...I wanted something other than a bagel with cream cheese and DH is no chef! ;) But I'm okay with that...I love my family just the way it is! Then I spent the whole afternoon on my own scrapbooking. Something I haven't done in a long time...I will have some pages to share with you soon I promise!

Finally out to dinner at a local greasy spoon (everywhere else would be busy and I wasn't cooking!) A chapter of Lemony Snickett, A Series of Unfortunate Events (so good)! and off to bed for my lovelies...a lovely day.

Hope everyone else had a great Mother's Day too!


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