
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Tabling Issues...

It seems that lately I say...okay...I'm busy enough I shouldn't take on anymore work. I'm good. I mean really. I. Am. Not. Superwoman. Or Wonderwoman...really. Well, this is the cake that was ordered weeks ago and it was the focus of my week...I was nervous...ugh! I don't even know what I was so scared of now but part of the reason I took the last minute order on Thursday was to procrastinate (come on, some of you do it too!)...Ahh, well. Here it is...
My Mom helped me with the painting of the table...she did the wood grain highlights. My mom has been painting since I can remember. I never wanted to learn (she used to teach) and now, I actually have a use for it! Damn! Oh well, Mom thank you for your are the best...and Happy Mother's Day too!
Of course the table couldn't be empty...there was a message to be shared...and there is a story too (of course!) I got a call about a month ago when I was out...I did not recognize the name (that happens lately) so I called her back and low and behold...I met this woman months ago when she and my sister-in-law popped in one night. Okay! Alright...
Well, you see Nick and Liv are moving...they have been asked to relocate in order to help another congregation in need. So, they are. And today there was a celebration for the new beginning they will embark on.

We wish you all the best guys...hope you had fun today and enjoyed the cake!


1 comment:

  1. Love your cake. Your mom did a great job on the wood detail!
