
Friday, March 27, 2009

Simply Springy!

I don't always have photos of what we actually did at the Birthday Parties to include with my notes so I thought I would show what we did at the last few...these are from Bailey's Party...
Boy, when I showed her the cardstock album covers her whole face lit up with the potential of it all. So we got out my wallpaper books and some Modge Podge and went to town! The girls had a great time putting these together!
I scooped some photos from a past birthday (I didn't think that the girls would relate well to my baby in the book!) and put together some sample pages for them...
This is the project we did at Alex's party all wrapped up...
We made the buggy clipboards (we included some sticky notes with it), the caterpillar pencil and some buggy cupcakes (not pictured here).
These are just a few things that we have done but the themes and ideas are endless!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring has really sprung!

On Sunday we celebrated Bailey's 8th Birthday with a Spring has Sprung theme. Bailey and her friends are a very creative group so I planned something special for them. Sadly my camera isn't behaving so I don't have photos of everything we did so these will have to do for now...

Cheers Bailey!
Here are a couple of the girls decorating their cupcakes...
More work being done over here...
And here is one of the finished cupcakes...we used marshmallows to make flowers on the cupcakes. The girls just loved them!
Happy Birthday Bailey!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boy oh boy! Another Buggy Birthday!

Oh my goodness! I had the pleasure of hosting my first party with kids from Jacob Beam (this is where my kids go to school). Now, I have to tell you if this little girl weren't going to marry my little red-head I would think that she might just marry our birthday boy Alex! Aren't they sweet?
How can we best confuse people? Here are the 2 Jacobs sitting beside each other as they decorate their cupcakes. And do take a look at those cupcakes...we covered them in dirt (crushed Oreos) then we put worms on them to go with our bug theme!
Here are all the beautiful smiley faces that came to celebrate Alex's birthday with him. I hope the kids had sure was great to have them in my workshop!
I don't know if I have shown my latest loot bags but we have been giving away seeds lately with Spring just days away we need to get growing!
Happy Birthday Alex!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

A note of Thanks...

Well, I just got the sweetest note the other day and I HAD to share it with you...

Dear Heather, I want to tell you how much fun my friend's and I had at my party on Sunday. Here are some of the pictures. When my Mom and I came home we made cupcakes for my Dad and my brothers. See my new apron. Thank you so much for my apron.

We had a blast!!!!!!!!!!


Madison, I am glad that you girls had fun! That's what it's all about!
There is Madison working away...and I DO love the apron!You know it's kind of funny...I often get asked how I have the patience to do these parties...well, to be honest I love birthday parties and it's just such an honour to get invited to so many! I am having so much fun! How could I not when I am meeting wonderful children like Madison and her friends?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spatastic Birthday Wishes!

Whew! Even with help Tori and I were hopping through this seems that we took on a few activities too many with cupcakes, bath bombs, bath salts, lip gloss and soaps with charms in them! Here is Madison, our birthday girl blowing out her candle!
Here is the whole group...these girls had a great time making all of their spa treats while celebrating Madison's birthday with her!
Here are the girls getting the last of their sillies out before they head home. One of them even tried to hide so she could stay a little longer...I am not sure that our house is always this fun but there are certainly perks in living with the Creative Bug...Sarah and Sean did get a cupcake each and there was enough stuff left for them each to make their own bath bombs...they loved trying them out!

Happy Birthday Madison!


Monday, March 09, 2009

Craft Lady takes her show on the road!

Boy oh boy! I wasn't sure if I could do it but I did! I managed to pack everything up in one rubbermaid tote and head out first thing on Saturday Morning for a very special birthday party in Grimsby! Here is my stuff all ready to go...

Our birthday girl was Sarah (yet again, not my Sarah) and she was turning 5. She is a girl on the go! It was hard to get a photo of her as everytime I took one she moved or looked away but boy is she ever a craft savvy little girl!
Here is one of her friends with her basket of flowers and tag all made up. What a sweetheart eh?This is the birthday girl's little sister Riley...Riley turns 3 in a few months and boy is she ever an up and coming Creative Bug! She was not leaving the table until she knew that all the fun was over! Riley is just finishing up decorating her loot bag here...
Unfortunately, I didn't get a shot of all the girls as they were anxious to go have some more fun but here are their flower baskets all set and ready to go.
We had 14 girls at this party and boy what a great group they were...I also had some great helpers! Sarah & Riley's Mom & Dad are very well trained in the way of arts and crafts!

Thank you so much for having me Sarah and I hope that we do get to meet again next year for your butterfly birthday!


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Blog Candy Results

Sorry I am a bit late getting this up...Wednesdays often get a little crazy and yesterday was no exception. It would seem that a lot of things went wrong yesterday! But that is another story...I have some blog candy to give away!

The random number generator came up with lucky number 2! So, Swedie please contact me and I will get these items shipped out to you early next week!
I am working on getting everything ready for birthday parties this weekend! I think they are going to be loads of fun so look out for more great times and more Creative Kids!


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Baby oh baby!

Well, I don't know what to classic Heather style I made this 6x6 album with half of a Simply Scrappin' Kit for a dear friend's baby and this is the only photo I have of it! I actually bound it with my Bind it All and decorated a cover for her but it's gone to get filled with photos of her beautiful baby...

What can I say? Rest assured you can make a nice 6x6 album with half of a kit!

We had some out-of-province company arrive at our doorstep doesn't happen often but it is always nice when friends pop is Brenda loving Sean & Simon...what can I one would sit still for this one!
Brenda's ride to her next destination came by way of her daughter-in-law and her 2 Sean decided to share his painting expertise with everyone (he couldn't look at the camera as he was working on a particular technique here).
Here is Lauren trying on a paintbrush for size. She had a great time painting!

Monday, March 02, 2009


Who's got spirit? These girls do!!! Give them grass skirts and they will dance! This was before the party even started and look what a great time they were having! Yesterday's party was a Luau in case you hadn't guessed and we made all kinds of fun stuff!

While their cupcakes were baking, the girls made crowns and flowers for their hair...then we decorated our cupcakes to look like little islands. Who doesn't love those little umbrellas?
This is Sarah the birthday girl blowing out her candle...Happy Birthday Sarah!

Unfortunately we forgot to take a group shot with all the girls but here is a shot of most of them with their goodies!
Here is what we made...we made a grass skirt goodie bag, a mini accordion album, the cupcakes and then there were the flowers and the leis which are not included in this photo.
I love these cupcakes...I need a reason to make more they were so fun and simple!


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Spring is in the air...

Yesterday I was lucky enough to celebrate Elizabeth's 7th birthday with her! This is a photo of her, her cousin Dakota and myself at the end of the party (looks like I was a little warm!) We had a great time...we barely managed to squeeze everything in but boy did they ever have a great time!

We made giant cookies on sticks...chocolate chip cookies!!! They were scrumptious! The girls decorated their containers with rub-ons (which they LOVED!) and they finished it off with a beautiful tag.
Here is a closer look at the tag...
I didn't have much time to take photos as I was really hopping at this party! I really enjoyed my afternoon with the girls though and hope that Elizabeth enjoyed the rest of the celebration she had going on!

Don't forget to check out this post for Blog Candy (that means free stuff) just leave a comment for your chance to win, win, win!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!