
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Blog Candy Results

Sorry I am a bit late getting this up...Wednesdays often get a little crazy and yesterday was no exception. It would seem that a lot of things went wrong yesterday! But that is another story...I have some blog candy to give away!

The random number generator came up with lucky number 2! So, Swedie please contact me and I will get these items shipped out to you early next week!
I am working on getting everything ready for birthday parties this weekend! I think they are going to be loads of fun so look out for more great times and more Creative Kids!



  1. Hi Heather, I'm sorry.. but I couldn't find your email address to contact you. Mine is busyness 4 @ (without the spaces).
    Your daughter is a pretty girl and she looked like she really enjoyed her birthday. Thank her for drawing my name! :0)


  2. This Sarah is not my daughter. Part of my business is custom birthdays.
