
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spatastic Birthday Wishes!

Whew! Even with help Tori and I were hopping through this seems that we took on a few activities too many with cupcakes, bath bombs, bath salts, lip gloss and soaps with charms in them! Here is Madison, our birthday girl blowing out her candle!
Here is the whole group...these girls had a great time making all of their spa treats while celebrating Madison's birthday with her!
Here are the girls getting the last of their sillies out before they head home. One of them even tried to hide so she could stay a little longer...I am not sure that our house is always this fun but there are certainly perks in living with the Creative Bug...Sarah and Sean did get a cupcake each and there was enough stuff left for them each to make their own bath bombs...they loved trying them out!

Happy Birthday Madison!


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