
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boy oh boy! Another Buggy Birthday!

Oh my goodness! I had the pleasure of hosting my first party with kids from Jacob Beam (this is where my kids go to school). Now, I have to tell you if this little girl weren't going to marry my little red-head I would think that she might just marry our birthday boy Alex! Aren't they sweet?
How can we best confuse people? Here are the 2 Jacobs sitting beside each other as they decorate their cupcakes. And do take a look at those cupcakes...we covered them in dirt (crushed Oreos) then we put worms on them to go with our bug theme!
Here are all the beautiful smiley faces that came to celebrate Alex's birthday with him. I hope the kids had sure was great to have them in my workshop!
I don't know if I have shown my latest loot bags but we have been giving away seeds lately with Spring just days away we need to get growing!
Happy Birthday Alex!


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