
Thursday, March 12, 2009

A note of Thanks...

Well, I just got the sweetest note the other day and I HAD to share it with you...

Dear Heather, I want to tell you how much fun my friend's and I had at my party on Sunday. Here are some of the pictures. When my Mom and I came home we made cupcakes for my Dad and my brothers. See my new apron. Thank you so much for my apron.

We had a blast!!!!!!!!!!


Madison, I am glad that you girls had fun! That's what it's all about!
There is Madison working away...and I DO love the apron!You know it's kind of funny...I often get asked how I have the patience to do these parties...well, to be honest I love birthday parties and it's just such an honour to get invited to so many! I am having so much fun! How could I not when I am meeting wonderful children like Madison and her friends?


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