
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Spring is in the air...

Yesterday I was lucky enough to celebrate Elizabeth's 7th birthday with her! This is a photo of her, her cousin Dakota and myself at the end of the party (looks like I was a little warm!) We had a great time...we barely managed to squeeze everything in but boy did they ever have a great time!

We made giant cookies on sticks...chocolate chip cookies!!! They were scrumptious! The girls decorated their containers with rub-ons (which they LOVED!) and they finished it off with a beautiful tag.
Here is a closer look at the tag...
I didn't have much time to take photos as I was really hopping at this party! I really enjoyed my afternoon with the girls though and hope that Elizabeth enjoyed the rest of the celebration she had going on!

Don't forget to check out this post for Blog Candy (that means free stuff) just leave a comment for your chance to win, win, win!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

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