
Monday, June 14, 2010

Here comes the cake...

Just before lunch on Thursday last week (I was just about to head to the grocery store and pick Simon up from his weekly trip to Little Steps) the phone rang. It was a frantic woman wanting a wedding cake...when was her wedding? Sunday! Yep, 3 days to create a wedding cake! Right-o! As I spoke to her, I just kind of liked her...she had been through my website and liked the Black and White Cake with the high heeled shoe (who didn't like that cake?) I've included a link for those of you who may not have seen it but I have a sneaking suspicion I blogged that one twice (oops!) so you might find another article on that one as well...

Anyway, back to the wedding cake. This poor woman didn't order one because well, dessert is included with their meal and well, she's a bit older and already has you didn't seem important at the time. But then, there were some people that wanted a cake, expected a she thought she better try...

I thought, and I muttered (all while on the phone with her), I consulted my calendar, I was on my way to the grocery store I said yes (please note: this isn't always possible, it was a fairly quiet week...sort of!)

I went looking for a cake for this lovely with polka dots and flowers on top ribbon and a bow...(oh wait, I don't really DO flowers...oh dear!) Oh and of course it was to be pink and burgundy with an ivory base...
I found my inspiration...and set to work...I called the bride to clarify something and mentioned I had found something I liked...(this is now Friday afternoon) so she gave me her e-mail address and it went from my iTouch to her iPhone (I think I NEED an iPhone!)...well not exactly...she said she would call right back but she didn't...I waited...15 mins...then 5 I called her!

Ahhh, I got her e-mail address wrong...oops! Re-send! Phone rings...very excited woman on the other end. Whew! we can continue...
The cake was finished on Friday...I did some final touches on Saturday and since I was out most of the day I dropped it off for her on my way out (the wedding was local). The rehearsal dinner was to be at the same place as the wedding...she said she would let me know that she 'loved' the cake (she was anticipating love from the start - thank you for that).

We got home after a full day and after dinner. No e-mail, no message on the phone. Put the kids to bed. No e-mail, no call on the phone. Nervous Creative Bug puttering around. Talking on phone now. Car pulls into drive. Hang up phone. Answer door. Very excited bride! Thank you. Creative Bug can sleep now.

Hope your day was fabulous and that you enjoy many more cakes together!


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