
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I would have liked to post this sooner but I was having some technical difficulties! It seems with the new computer I forgot a number of my passwords...I do believe I am slowly going crazy over here!

Anyway without further adieu here are the kids working on their projects...
We made chocolate bowls by dipping balloons in chocolate and then popping and pulling them out! This comes from Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids. What a fun book! (we did get all of the balloon out before wrapping these up, don't worry!)
Of course we had to make cards to go with the bowls...oh and the bowls were filled with chocolate dipped pretzels and marshmallows. Yum!
On Father's Day, we served DH breakfast in bed. He set up the coffee maker the night before (I do not drink coffee, serve coffee or even make coffee...I had to guess about what to put into it!)
The kids enjoyed the treats they made for DH as much as he did...
Hope you all enjoyed Father's Day! I'll be catching up on posting this week so look out!


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