
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Scrappin' with Passion!

I was contacted some time ago and asked for a donation to an event called Scrappin' with Passion. A very enthusiastic woman named Melisa e-mailed me called me and we set up a workshop. I scrapbook but I have never been to an all-day crop and when I walked in the room yesterday I thought I was in heaven...there were tables spread with stuff filling the room and there were people working, chatting, and teaching...seriously I was delighted (and terribly sad I couldn't stay!)

I set about my job for the was to teach these Scrappin' Divas how to decorate cupcakes! Each person who joined us paid $5 (all of the money going to Heart and Stroke) and got to decorate 3 cupcakes. It was great! The ladies were such fun!

Here are some of the cupcakes....and some more...
Sadly my camera is broken so it was all guess-work yesterday (the LCD screen is cracked and it has spread to the rest of it now...any suggestions on a new camera???

I spoke briefly with Melisa last night and she was thrilled to tell me that they surpassed their goal and they are planning another event in February! Hooray! Read more about their event here.

Thanks for having me out Melisa! Don't forget to call me again! ;)

Oh and looking for a great start to a ladies night out? Several ladies asked me if I would join them for a ladies night out to decorate cupcakes. The answer...absolutely!


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