
Monday, July 27, 2009

Swamp Cake Delight!

Well, we had yet another one of the celebrations I mentioned yesterday. Yesterday was Sean's real 5th birthday! Wow! Does time ever fly...

Last year Sarah had a Playmobile Cake and so for months after that's all I heard from Sean is that he wanted one for his next birthday...not that he was short-changed or anything...his cake last year is one of my favs!
Anyway, when I saw the Crocodile Hunter Set of Playmobile I knew I could work with it so between Martin and I this is what we came up with...
Here is the crocodile hunter himself sitting amongst the baby crocs and vines I made!
Finally here is one very happy birthday boy!
Happy Birthday Sean!



  1. Ok so I am blog hopping and I see your blog hop post below but I just have to tell you this cake is AWESOME!!

    So happy you stopped by my blog and hope to see you again soon!


  2. Oh this is sooooooooooo cute. Great job.

  3. Adorable! I love making cakes!

    Thanks so much for commenting on my post--I appreciated it immensely!

    <3 sarasophia

  4. You are so talented! I know your son loved it! Happy Birthday Sean!

  5. I admire this talent so much. It costs me so much money to pay someone to bake a cake like that for me.

  6. Stopped by from the BlogHop (better late than never, right?) and I just had to leave a comment to tell you how AWESOME that cake turned out. I wish I was able to make cool cakes like that.
