
Friday, July 31, 2009

Simply Stunning!

Included in our Celebrations this summer is what we fondly call the Big Birthday Party. This is THE party of the year...well there is also Halloween but that's different. So, this year to really do it up right I invited Racheal Stevens a local photographer to take photos of my work for the party as well as our children (I can't help myself...they are so cute).

Well, I have been waiting somewhat patiently for the photos to come back (not that I want her to rush!) and so Racheal was kind enough to share a sneak peak with me today...

Here is the loot!
The cupcakes and a snippet of the other goodies I put together for our Yellow, Blue and Red Party.
And I can't say I condone the props but my DH loves much cuter can he be???
I mean really...


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