
Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Hopping!!!

Alright so I searched in my photos and there does not seem to be a recent photo of me...but I am going to join in some fun they have going on over at Pensieve! It's called a Blog Hop! It just sounds like fun to me!

Anyway, so now I need to tell you about myself...

A funny thing happened almost 3 years DH Martin talked me into looking for a house in small town Beamsville. Hmmm...well, we found the perfect house on the main drag in even had a sweet space for Creative Bug. It was more than we wanted to spend but we couldn't we have just celebrated 2 years here in our beautiful home and haven't looked back!I quit my job last week...after 9 years..we decided I would stay home and focus on our 3 children and my business. Our children are Sarah (7), Sean (5) and Simon (1). Creative Bug is a business where I mostly run children's birthday parties, make custom cakes and invitations, decorations, etc...It's sure is fun!!! I love my job!

I am still coming to terms with having left viable employment...I spent 5 years in university where I completed a BSc in Psychology and then my MBA...hard to believe I gave it up...I think we are going to have some fun with me home though...let's hope so!!!

Ohhh, you can find me on Twitter @Cre8vBug and Facebook! Let's hop together!



  1. Welcome to the Hop! ;) Hope you have a fabulous day!

  2. Sounds like you've got an awesome business setup :) There are many ladies online who have "given up" their education to be at home for awhile. I don't think it will ever go to waste though! So don't feel bad :)

    Nice to virtually meet you!

  3. Congratulations on jumping ship and joining the WAHM ranks. It isn't always easy but it is very rewarding.

  4. Congrats on putting your family first. It's big adjustment to go from working outside the home to being at home all the time, but totally worth it.

  5. Good for you for becoming a SAHM! It's a hard job but very rewarding :)

    (I say this after being up half the night with a sick kid and not getting my own sick day!)

  6. Great for you! What a cool biz!
    I hope you great success!

    I have I teach at their high school. Which is really cool for our family.

    Otherwise, I stayed home when they were all little.
    It was totally worth it!

    The investment in their lives is very evident!

  7. I'm sure that was a big jump! From viable to employment to being a SAHM would be a big jump! Stopping by from the hop!

  8. Cute cakes you made there. Best wishes for your business

  9. Hey! It's nice to meet you! Your children are beautiful!

  10. Great Site, Stopping by from BlogHop 09. Looking forward to getting to know you. Come on by and visit!!!! Glad I Hopped on over.

  11. Hello from Bloghop, and congrats on becoming a SAHM. I'm one too and love it. Your business sounds like a fun one too.

  12. You're a party planner? Fantastic!

    Here from the BlogHop '09. Have a wonderful day.

    e-Mom @
    Susannah's Aprons

  13. Hopping by. It is great to meet you. Congrats on leaving your job for your own business...know it is scary and exciting all at the same time. Your business sounds like a lot of fun. Love the pics of your adorable kids. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  14. Hi Heather. Nice to meet you. Sounds like a fun business you have there. The name of it is adorable! Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello.

  15. So nice to meet you--I also live in a small town, in a small house and love my little creative life in it<3

    Looking forward to following your blog and hopping you will drop by mine and say hi!!

    <3 sarasophia

  16. Hello from BlogHop! Good Luck with your business!

