
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Fairy Nice Amendment

So, do you remember these invitations? I had such a good time designing them and then creating them. In fact, I enjoy making all of my invitations and other goodies. It can be very relaxing for me.Unfortunately, the party date does not seem to be working out so, I was asked by the hostess to create a simple amendment changing the, simple is quite challenging for me so I took some time to think about it and here is what I came up with...

I have to admit, I really enjoyed doing these up as well. I really struggled with not doing more just keeping them as simple as this and managed to muddle through! I used paper that coordinates with the paper on the full invitation but made these more of a postcard style as was requested by the hostess.Well, I hope that things work out better this time...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tea at the Beam House

Our neighbour opened a Tea Room in the front of her home on Tuesday. So, as dutiful neighbours the boys and I decided that we ought to enjoy lunch there. We had the honour of being the first paying guests!

There are all kinds of goodies for sale there...including gifty stuff, looseleaf tea, etc, etc...there are a few things that I would like to buy for presents!

The food was fabulous! Simple, light, very enjoyable. Sean ate his whole sandwich, thoroughly enjoyed the pinenuts on the salad and shared his blueberries with Simon. He also talked me into trying the dill...doesn't taste bad...kind of grassy in texture though. He did not like it!
Sean was sad when they found something for dessert for him and I said that he couldn't have a treat at home then. They were very accomodating with Sean's lactose intolerance.
Sean wanted to show me how they drink Cheerios out of a cup at Music & Movement. Both boys were total gentlemen throughout the lunch...well Simon did let a few burps out but he is only 9mos! Sorry no photos of Simon...he was making funny faces that day!
We thoroughly enjoyed the experience...Sean enjoyed choosing my tea cup for me, setting the hourglass timer to know when the tea would be steeped, he liked the strainer I used to keep the leaves out of my tea and I really enjoyed my chocolate mint tea!
Look out Beam House! Just 'cause we didn't leave our chair doesn't mean that we won't be coming back!!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom & Me Expo

I am running short on time as Simon naps, I have tonnes of work to do and to top it is the first day the tea house next door is open! (More about the tea house after my visit later today or tomorrow!)

So, I just want to let you know that Saturday is the big day...the Mom & Me Expo will be going on at the Grimsby Peach King Centre from 9am to 2pm and guess what? It's FREE!

So here are my top 5 reasons to make the trip;

  1. There are live demonstrations (mine is at 1:40 and is interactive so bring your kids!)
  2. There will be lots of neat stuff there!
  3. There's a Mom 2 Mom sale with 20 vendors!
  4. Did I mention it's FREE?
  5. And here is the best reason of all...I will be giving away this beautiful hand-made tutu! So stop by and see me to fill out a ballet and WIN!

Hope to see you there!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fairy Fun!

I am in the middle of working on a contract for a Fairy Party and I just had to share what I have so far...these are the invitations...

It's hard to see but she has sweet little vellum wings.
I wrote a little verse to go inside the card...
Here is the tutu that I created to go with the party theme...
I just love this...Sarah is hoping that she gets to keep it!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sweet Nothings...

Alright so did I tell you that my camera died a month before it's warranty was up? How lucky was that...I was a little disappointed that I couldn't talk the store into a loaner so some of my recent photos aren't as sharp as I was using our camera from almost 5 years just won't stop moving!!!

Anyway, these two are BFF...just look at how happy they are together...

Ohhh and here they are united and so very happy together.
And here are some Easter Cream Eggs that I sent off to work with DH this morning. I had a few orders after he shared some treats with his colleagues before Easter.
Did I mention how happy I am to have my replacement camera? I took this picture yesterday morning...boy I thought they got less cute as they got sweet are they?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Going on an egg hunt

Initially my plan for Good Friday was that I would clean the house...not quite sure what happened but the next thing I knew I was colouring Easter Eggs with the kids...then DH stumbled across a container of cupcakes (don't you have things like that lying about?) and we were decorating them to look like there were eggs hidden in the grass...
The kids were delighted with these little creations and well, to be honest it made me feel good to spend sometime with's been awhile. I am home with them but I am not always with them if you catch my drift. Creative Bug keeps me pretty busy...
So, I hope you all remember to sit down with your family in the midst of it all and enjoy a moment together...we will be making Peanut Butter Cups this afternoon so more fun with the kiddies!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Belated Easter Greetings

I am at a loss for time lately...I am afraid that time is slipping through my fingers. You know aging doesn't bother me but missing things does and there is just so much to do while the kids are young. People often tell me that ours must be a cool place to be. I am not sure about that...I have spent the last several months working hard so I can enjoy moments like these though...

It's hard to get 3 kids looking at the camera and not blinking at once. Oh well...
Simon was absolutely delighted to sit beside his older brother in this cart at Canadian Tire...honestly they were both steering and honking...boy am I ever in trouble! ;)Sweet Sarah in her new soccer shoes (she was quite concerned that they be included in the photo). We had a great Easter Monday with Gramma doing errands and having lunch. Sarah and Sean should be set for the summer for athletic equipment now. I hope!


Friday, April 10, 2009

A little fun with the family...

I know I have been pretty quiet lately but I have been working on some marketing and I am still waiting for my new should be ready for pick up tomorrow. I hope!

In the meantime I will share some photos from this morning that I took with the 'old' camera...figured I better do something creative with the kids seeing that it's Easter...
They chose and instructed me how to make the colours for their eggs...I helped wrap elastics around them and showed them that they could colour on them with white crayon to make designs and write messages...
They had a lot of fun doing this...and I am thinking that DH really wanted to get in there...he did the bunny rabbit on the purple egg below...too bad I ran out of eggs and we blew 4 up in the boiling process!Ah well, no pancakes this weekend I guess!


Friday, April 03, 2009

April Fool's Day!

Well, I know I am a bit late but things have been crazy lately...let's see;
  1. My camera has been on the fritz
  2. I managed to set a date with Sarah's teacher on Tuesday to go into the class Wednesday for April Fool's Day
  3. I have been out doing errands almost every day this week! Ack! I hate errands!
  4. I have been trying to make some changes to my blog...ohhh, I have made changes so that my calendar now works!
  5. Simon is crawling now...making it even more difficult to get any work done around here!!!
Grade one is so much fun when you get to go for a few hours! I had parents asking if they could come with me!! hehe! Here is my friend Madelyn with her April Fool's Day cupcake...the kids did such a great job on these! What a mess they brought home to their parents! ;)
Here is my friend Owen with his spaghetti & meatball cupcake...Owen is one of Sarah's best friends. I knew he would love this activity...what boy wouldn't???

Here is Sarah with another one of her favourite classmates...Kerwin. He told his mom that I posted the wrong photo but I just think the two of them are too cute in this one! ;)
