
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Going on an egg hunt

Initially my plan for Good Friday was that I would clean the house...not quite sure what happened but the next thing I knew I was colouring Easter Eggs with the kids...then DH stumbled across a container of cupcakes (don't you have things like that lying about?) and we were decorating them to look like there were eggs hidden in the grass...
The kids were delighted with these little creations and well, to be honest it made me feel good to spend sometime with's been awhile. I am home with them but I am not always with them if you catch my drift. Creative Bug keeps me pretty busy...
So, I hope you all remember to sit down with your family in the midst of it all and enjoy a moment together...we will be making Peanut Butter Cups this afternoon so more fun with the kiddies!


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