
Friday, April 10, 2009

A little fun with the family...

I know I have been pretty quiet lately but I have been working on some marketing and I am still waiting for my new should be ready for pick up tomorrow. I hope!

In the meantime I will share some photos from this morning that I took with the 'old' camera...figured I better do something creative with the kids seeing that it's Easter...
They chose and instructed me how to make the colours for their eggs...I helped wrap elastics around them and showed them that they could colour on them with white crayon to make designs and write messages...
They had a lot of fun doing this...and I am thinking that DH really wanted to get in there...he did the bunny rabbit on the purple egg below...too bad I ran out of eggs and we blew 4 up in the boiling process!Ah well, no pancakes this weekend I guess!


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