
Friday, April 03, 2009

April Fool's Day!

Well, I know I am a bit late but things have been crazy lately...let's see;
  1. My camera has been on the fritz
  2. I managed to set a date with Sarah's teacher on Tuesday to go into the class Wednesday for April Fool's Day
  3. I have been out doing errands almost every day this week! Ack! I hate errands!
  4. I have been trying to make some changes to my blog...ohhh, I have made changes so that my calendar now works!
  5. Simon is crawling now...making it even more difficult to get any work done around here!!!
Grade one is so much fun when you get to go for a few hours! I had parents asking if they could come with me!! hehe! Here is my friend Madelyn with her April Fool's Day cupcake...the kids did such a great job on these! What a mess they brought home to their parents! ;)
Here is my friend Owen with his spaghetti & meatball cupcake...Owen is one of Sarah's best friends. I knew he would love this activity...what boy wouldn't???

Here is Sarah with another one of her favourite classmates...Kerwin. He told his mom that I posted the wrong photo but I just think the two of them are too cute in this one! ;)


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