
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom & Me Expo

I am running short on time as Simon naps, I have tonnes of work to do and to top it is the first day the tea house next door is open! (More about the tea house after my visit later today or tomorrow!)

So, I just want to let you know that Saturday is the big day...the Mom & Me Expo will be going on at the Grimsby Peach King Centre from 9am to 2pm and guess what? It's FREE!

So here are my top 5 reasons to make the trip;

  1. There are live demonstrations (mine is at 1:40 and is interactive so bring your kids!)
  2. There will be lots of neat stuff there!
  3. There's a Mom 2 Mom sale with 20 vendors!
  4. Did I mention it's FREE?
  5. And here is the best reason of all...I will be giving away this beautiful hand-made tutu! So stop by and see me to fill out a ballet and WIN!

Hope to see you there!!!

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