
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bind it All Batman Blog Candy!

Some of you may have seen this card organizer at Pampering Fest...I had a lot of people ask to make one or buy one but I kept saying no. I hate saying no...but the binding was just too expensive.
I bought a Bind it All Machine and now we can do the class and a whole lot more! I am so excited!!! We will also make a mini-organizer in the class that is just the right size for gift cards, business cards and wallet-sized photos! How cute is that?

For those of you who are wondering what I am so excited about here is a sneak peak inside the organizer (this one has the expensive Staples Binding but you get the idea). Each pocket has a paper so you can write down all of those important dates and keep using it year after year.So do you want one? Huh, huh? Well, for starters to celebrate having more than 10,000 hits (I know it happened a little while ago but I have been busy!) Take a look! You can a Card Organizer, a mini-organizer, So Many Scallops Stamp Set and some rub-ons. Just leave a comment by 7pm on Monday March 2nd on this post telling me how you found out about Creative Bug and/or my blog. I will use a random number generator to choose a winner! The winner will be posted no later than next Wednesday.
For those of you who don't win but still want a Card Organizer and a Mini-Organizer, register for my workshop on Tuesday March 24th from 7-9pm and you can make them with the Designer Paper of your choice from the latest Stampin' Up Catalogue. Payment and registration are required by March 8th so all supplies can be ordered.


PS. In case you are wondering, Wednesdays are generally about survival for is the busiest day of my week!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tuesday Blues...

Well, I was thinking...yesterday I told you my plan for Mondays but didn't go any further and I wondered...are there people out there wondering what my Tuesday Plan is? Well, wonder no more! Tuesday is card here they are samples for my next workshop!

These are the cards we will be making for the Birthday Bonanza! For only $25 you will get to come and make 12 cards to share with your favourite friends (since you will make 3 of each you can even keep copies for your viewing pleasure if you like! The workshop is on March 7th and there are still spaces available so sign up now!

I mentioned that we are working on home renos...they are for our daughter. So far, we have managed to get the dressing room painted. Isn't it beautiful?
There she is with her co-ordinating dress and Lil'Kinz...and a pile of play tools in the back (our son has been helping!)
Speaking of our son and tools! He could barely hold the drill up but my husband insisted we get a picture and Sean was more than happy to oblige!Now here is Sarah in the other part of her room that is awaiting transformation (the headboard and nightstand are already gone). We will be painting this part of the room the same colour and decorating it so it will be ALL GIRL! I can't wait to see it come to life!Oh and if you are wondering why I have the Tuesday's because I keep thinking/hoping it's Wednesday!

Ahhh well...

Monday, February 23, 2009

New week, new schedule...

Things have been very busy over here at Creative Bug Headquarters...we have been doing some home renos (there is always work to be done), gearing up for Buggy Birthdays, and fitting in family fun whenever we can!

In order to make my life a little more orderly, I have set up a schedule for Monday is baking are the treats for my contract tomorrow...they will be enjoying Maple-Cornmeal Drop Biscuits, Citrus Sunshine Muffins and Blueberry Brown Sugar Plain Cake...Yummy!

The biscuits were inspired by our trip to the sugar bush on Saturday...look at Simon...he is getting SO BIG!!! And yes, finally a photo of me! There were rumours going around that I am a minister and all sorts of crazy things! I am not a minister but I part of our Teens N Trinity Team! (More about that later!)
Now, when Sean was first asked to try out the hand drill he was a little uncertain but once Martin got him started we had to drag him away! Look at the concentration! And the pile of shavings he created! Fantastic!

Sarah, seeing her brother do it decided that she better get in there and try too. So, Sean and I headed off to saw a maple coin (with a 2-person saw) and Sarah had a go at it!
This year at the Sugar Bush was like no other...the kids really got into it! It was so fun to be there with them!


Monday, February 16, 2009

He shoots, he scores!

In a classic move, I did not take any photos of the process of the making of this cake...the nets are made with floral wire and fondant. I shaped the wire and then attached the fondant strips. The puck, lines and boards are all also fondant. The cake is Oreo Cookie Cream Cake (yummy!)

The birthday boy turned 16 last week! Happy birthday Gage!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The sound of music...

I was asked this week to make a cake for our church's choir as a number of birthdays had recently passed. When I asked what they would like I was told "put a few music notes on it". Well, I pondered this and it seemed simple enough...

Maybe even a little too simple (I rarely take creative shortcuts!) so then I thought...what if I make a round cake with Happy Birthday on it...

I did a quick web search and learned all about how "Happy Birthday" is based on the song "Good Morning". I found the music for "Good Morning" and set to work...of course as I was getting everything together I had a thought (shhh, it really does happen!) I realized that Happy has one more syllable than Good (heavy, I know...) so the music might not be the same. I called a musical friend and she confirmed that my music wasn't quite right but time was tight and I went ahead with the music for "Good Morning to you..."

Without further adieu here is the final cake...

The cake was 4 layers alternating chocolate and yellow cake with buttercream icing...they said it was delish!


Saturday, February 07, 2009

The answer is "YES!"

It seems that people are asking friends or family 'Do you think Heather will...(bake a cake for us, do a fundraiser, host a fun night for the ladies in my family, do activities at the daycare/school, etc.) The answer is YES!

I am always looking for new creative adventures! I was asked to make cards with the Sunday School the next two Sundays to replenish our pastoral care cards. We will be doing the fish card this Sunday with the Primary group (JK to Gr 3) and I am looking forward to doing the flower card with the Jr Youth (Gr 4 to 7) on the 15th.

We had a Creative Bug Information night for some of the Mums at Jacob Beam this week...they came out and we made bookmarks and a tag for each of them to take home. They also learned more about what I do and had fun catching up with one another.

Sean (our 4yo) wanted to make a garden the other day (on paper) so I sat down with him and made this card as my's a thank you card for a couple from our church who have been very kind to us lately.
So please, give me a call 905-563-1201 or e-mail me because I would love to help you find the right creative adventure for you!


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pampering Fest

I know that Pampering Fest was almost a week ago and my photos and thoughts really should have shown up before now but what can I say? I have been catching up on my sleep after all of the excitement last week! And, well, as with every mother I have been working because the work never stops (to be honest, that's how I like it!)

So, here it table at Pampering Fest. I did not bring any baking or photos of cakes because, I just couldn't fit that in space wise so I thought I would focus on my workshops. We had lots of fun! We were giving away flower lollies (they are at the back of the table with my cards attached), making gumdrop flowers and we had other goodies too!

At the other end of the table was my door prize and other treats that we had. One lady told us that she is part of a Ladybug club (my kind of women!) so we gave her enough treat bags for their next gathering! I also had enough red and purple lollies on hand to satisfy the ladies of the Red Had Society (again, totally my kind of women...I have a few years to go before I get there so for now I will simply admire their bold sense of themselves!)

I know I am yammering a lot is my door prize! I just took the picture as it is waiting to go to it's new home...These are samples of the cards included in the basket. There are 6 of each card along with a 4x4 accordian album. I figured I better make it bold as we were at Pamperfest...a day for women so these cards are for you ladies!

I made it home and unpacked the car after a long day and had one of my volunteers do the draw for me...Julie Conklin come on down! We are looking forward to sharing some creativity with you! I hope that everyone went to Pampering Fest this year had a great time and for those who didn't make it, you should really try next year! It was a great day for all!


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Creative Cravings

I was asked sometime ago to provide price lists for a company that wanted to offer some fresh baked goods in their customer lounge. A few weeks ago we came to an agreement and I am now putting together a plate twice a week for the company. Of course as with everything I do, this is offering me an opportunity to try something new! (I rarely get bored over here)
The coconut cake you see in the picture is absolutely fabulous by the way! It made me think of some of our family over in the UK...I know they would love it!

Now, I need to take a much needed baby is Simon all ready to get Sean from school...isn't he sweet???
Here is another day's platter all ready to go. Since the article was run last week and I was in Pampering Fest yesterday (more about that in my next post!) a lot of people have been asking me how I manage to do all that I do. Well, the short answer is, I don't sit down! ;)

I do it all for myself and our family...I love being home with the kids but I need a creative outlet to keep myself busy and love the challenges that running Creative Bug presents. It is a lot of work with so many custom offerings but that is what brings me the most joy...finding the right solution for everyone.

I am working to make Creative Bug the right solution for our family and I hope that we can be a solution to make your everyday life a little more creative and a little easier too.
