
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tuesday Blues...

Well, I was thinking...yesterday I told you my plan for Mondays but didn't go any further and I wondered...are there people out there wondering what my Tuesday Plan is? Well, wonder no more! Tuesday is card here they are samples for my next workshop!

These are the cards we will be making for the Birthday Bonanza! For only $25 you will get to come and make 12 cards to share with your favourite friends (since you will make 3 of each you can even keep copies for your viewing pleasure if you like! The workshop is on March 7th and there are still spaces available so sign up now!

I mentioned that we are working on home renos...they are for our daughter. So far, we have managed to get the dressing room painted. Isn't it beautiful?
There she is with her co-ordinating dress and Lil'Kinz...and a pile of play tools in the back (our son has been helping!)
Speaking of our son and tools! He could barely hold the drill up but my husband insisted we get a picture and Sean was more than happy to oblige!Now here is Sarah in the other part of her room that is awaiting transformation (the headboard and nightstand are already gone). We will be painting this part of the room the same colour and decorating it so it will be ALL GIRL! I can't wait to see it come to life!Oh and if you are wondering why I have the Tuesday's because I keep thinking/hoping it's Wednesday!

Ahhh well...

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