
Saturday, February 07, 2009

The answer is "YES!"

It seems that people are asking friends or family 'Do you think Heather will...(bake a cake for us, do a fundraiser, host a fun night for the ladies in my family, do activities at the daycare/school, etc.) The answer is YES!

I am always looking for new creative adventures! I was asked to make cards with the Sunday School the next two Sundays to replenish our pastoral care cards. We will be doing the fish card this Sunday with the Primary group (JK to Gr 3) and I am looking forward to doing the flower card with the Jr Youth (Gr 4 to 7) on the 15th.

We had a Creative Bug Information night for some of the Mums at Jacob Beam this week...they came out and we made bookmarks and a tag for each of them to take home. They also learned more about what I do and had fun catching up with one another.

Sean (our 4yo) wanted to make a garden the other day (on paper) so I sat down with him and made this card as my's a thank you card for a couple from our church who have been very kind to us lately.
So please, give me a call 905-563-1201 or e-mail me because I would love to help you find the right creative adventure for you!


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