
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bind it All Batman Blog Candy!

Some of you may have seen this card organizer at Pampering Fest...I had a lot of people ask to make one or buy one but I kept saying no. I hate saying no...but the binding was just too expensive.
I bought a Bind it All Machine and now we can do the class and a whole lot more! I am so excited!!! We will also make a mini-organizer in the class that is just the right size for gift cards, business cards and wallet-sized photos! How cute is that?

For those of you who are wondering what I am so excited about here is a sneak peak inside the organizer (this one has the expensive Staples Binding but you get the idea). Each pocket has a paper so you can write down all of those important dates and keep using it year after year.So do you want one? Huh, huh? Well, for starters to celebrate having more than 10,000 hits (I know it happened a little while ago but I have been busy!) Take a look! You can a Card Organizer, a mini-organizer, So Many Scallops Stamp Set and some rub-ons. Just leave a comment by 7pm on Monday March 2nd on this post telling me how you found out about Creative Bug and/or my blog. I will use a random number generator to choose a winner! The winner will be posted no later than next Wednesday.
For those of you who don't win but still want a Card Organizer and a Mini-Organizer, register for my workshop on Tuesday March 24th from 7-9pm and you can make them with the Designer Paper of your choice from the latest Stampin' Up Catalogue. Payment and registration are required by March 8th so all supplies can be ordered.


PS. In case you are wondering, Wednesdays are generally about survival for is the busiest day of my week!


  1. From you of course!
    Love the organizer fabulous job!!!

  2. I found your blog through Alison's blog: stampinwhenican. What a neat idea your organizer is! Anybody could use a couple of them.


  3. I too found your blog through Alison.....stampinwhenican! Maybe you need to give an organizer to her!! Love it!

  4. I found your blog through Allison at Stampin When I Can. Love your blog, so much inspiration!

  5. I believe I found your blog through a google search of craft tutorials on blogspot! Your creations are always so amazing =) Thanks for having this blog candy give away and keep up the fantastic work!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I found your Blog through you! I Love reading your blog and this would be so cute for a business organizer! Thanks for having such an easy but yet cute contest!
