
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Creative Cravings

I was asked sometime ago to provide price lists for a company that wanted to offer some fresh baked goods in their customer lounge. A few weeks ago we came to an agreement and I am now putting together a plate twice a week for the company. Of course as with everything I do, this is offering me an opportunity to try something new! (I rarely get bored over here)
The coconut cake you see in the picture is absolutely fabulous by the way! It made me think of some of our family over in the UK...I know they would love it!

Now, I need to take a much needed baby is Simon all ready to get Sean from school...isn't he sweet???
Here is another day's platter all ready to go. Since the article was run last week and I was in Pampering Fest yesterday (more about that in my next post!) a lot of people have been asking me how I manage to do all that I do. Well, the short answer is, I don't sit down! ;)

I do it all for myself and our family...I love being home with the kids but I need a creative outlet to keep myself busy and love the challenges that running Creative Bug presents. It is a lot of work with so many custom offerings but that is what brings me the most joy...finding the right solution for everyone.

I am working to make Creative Bug the right solution for our family and I hope that we can be a solution to make your everyday life a little more creative and a little easier too.


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