
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

My Momma Didn't Make This!

I have been SO lucky lately!!! I mean seriously?! When Everything Your Momma Made put up a shout out to test their latest pattern I was just finishing up another test for myself (more about that another day) when I decided to throw in my stitch ripper!

This test was a secret surprise because it was part of the Sew Fab Sewing I've had this ready to go for almost a month!!!

When I saw the pattern I immediately decided it was going to be my goto Christmas Dress! So...I went shopping and did not find at all what I was looking for...I found this fabulous damask fabric instead! And seriously? How could I not buy it?! So fabulous, am I right?

And when it was all done...I figured out that one of my most favourite (sadly, underused) necklaces was a perfect accessory for the outfit.

And it snowed...adding even more fun to our photoshoot!

Now I'm going to tell you about this pattern...

  1. I love it!
  2. It is meant for knits but Kymy from Everything Your Momma Made makes it easy to make this happen!
  3. It is definitely in the beginner range of sewing buttons, no zippers...
  4. It goes together so quickly! 
  5. It's very versatile! I will be making a more casual version soon because it's a bit much to wear around the house...

Enjoy and go sew!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Selfish Sewing Week

Back in September there was a week called Selfish Sewing Week. I promise you, I was able to get some sewing done then and well...the truth is I've done a bunch for myself since then too!

Anyway, for selfish sewing week I made myself another Jocole Crossover Dress. This one is just past my knees (what they call knee-length on me never is!) Darn short legs! This pattern is the only one that I have made more than one of for myself...seriously! Most things I seem to only make once whether I love them or not because there are SO many great patterns out there to try! And truth be told each one of my Crossover Dresses is different (and we're not just talking fabric here!)

I also made myself a Love Notions Trendy Tunic...gosh, I love this top! If I make it again (I am waiting for the long sleeve edition) I will go down a ended up pretty roomy but I love it anyway. This is the kind of top I wear out of the wash every week. I seriously love it!
And I get loads of compliments on it...and it has pockets...and it makes me happy. Actually, I am wearing it as I write this!
If you haven't sewn for yourself lately, you totally should...I wear something handmade by me pretty much every day now. Sometimes it's a piece of jewelry or clothing and other times it's my whole outfit! I am very happy with this change in my wardrobe!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Zip-off Whatnow?

This fall I really surprised myself by making the boys each a pair of Scientific Seamstress Field Research Pants! They have loads of pockets, zip-off legs and lots of comfort! The great thing about using PDF patterns is that there are on-line communities that are welcoming, supportive and helpful if you have any questions...check out Scientific Seamstress' Facebook Page for more on this.

How about a little pocket love? It took quite awhile to get those pockets all just right and then sewn on and top-stitched but it was worth every minute! My boys seriously love these pants!

Now, they needed some great new shirts to go with these pants right? So...I finally got my Patterns for Pirates Lumberjack Hoodie Pattern out and did these up. They went together really quickly especially considering I lined mine with fleece rather than the suggested jersey or flannel. We live in Canada, eh!

The boys wear these daily. They love them! My middle guy's only complaint is that there isn't a snap right below his chin. but he wore it as a jacket for most of the fall anyway.

My guys are pretty great...they love my handmade clothes, they mostly love each other and they put up with all these photos for their mama!

Yup, they're pretty great if you ask me!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Baby it's Cold Outside!

When the chance came up to test these shorts I was SO excited!!! I have never sewn a Rabbit Rabbit Creations before but I knew my boys would love these shorts. Just one problem...Rabbit Rabbit is in Australia so while they are getting ready for summer we are getting ready for winter over here in Canada...things started off alright...
But little guy started to freak out!
Perhaps the warmth of big brother might help?!
'Cause big brother is a pretty cool guy...
And he likes to show off my work whenever he can! Actually, all of my children do. They love their handmade duds.
These shorts have great details! From the bucket style pockets to the top stitching finish (I love top stitching!!!) They take a bit of extra time but the finished product is so boys can't wait till summer so they can wear these for real!
Thanks to Rabbit Rabbit Creations for the chance to test these...there will be more of these in the summer for sure (the Creative Princess has requested a pair so...yep! More sewing to do!)


PS I loved this pattern so much I bought a few more Rabbit Rabbit patterns!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

All Dressed Up!

Remember this dress? It's one of my favourites and I made much better does it get than that?
Turns out my aunt really loved it too! She was getting ready for a trip to Indonesia so she asked me if she could commission me to make her a longer sleeved version to wear on her trip. I agreed and then the challenge began! You see my aunt was living in Northern Alberta at the I went fabric shopping and in the end...she chose the same fabric that I did!
Here she is with her grandson. Aren't they gorgeous? 
 I couldn't decide what to charge my aunt so instead I asked her to bring some fabrics home to me (she is now back in Ontario). So here she is shopping in the market in Yogijakarta!

My original dress was made following Jocole's Crossover Tunic Pattern with the Maxi Dress Add-on. My Aunt's dress was made with the same pattern but I used Jocole's Peplum Pattern for the sleeves.


Monday, November 10, 2014

I've got Sunshine!

Can you see it?! I had such a great time using up some oldish bits of fabric for this one (I did have to pick up a metre of the pink fabric to bring it all together). What does that mean? This dress cost less than $10 and you can see it's going to be fitting the Creative Princess for sometime with always makes her happy!
 We took some time to celebrate the dress, the gorgeous changing of colours and life. Yep, she likes it!
 And the colours are all hers...but I am seeing now that this girl seriously needs a haircut!
This is the Helios Dress by Golden Rippy it went together quickly and beautifully. You need to pin, pin, pin that half circle so it eases in just right and please do follow the measurements for fit. There is ample room with this dress which goes from 12 months to size 11/12 (the Creative Princess wears 14 from the store and has room to spare in the size 12).

This pattern is available through One Thimble Magazine along with some other fun projects so be sure to check it out!


Thursday, November 06, 2014

All Wrapped Up!

Wow! We've had loads of sewing happening lately! Here is the Creative Princess in Sofilantjes Iridis Dress that is being launched with a sale price this week!

Want to know a wonderful thing about this dress? It's so easy to layer with! The Creative Princess wore it again today with a nice long sleeve shirt  and leggings underneath!

 Another fun bit for me was the hemline...the pattern calls for a rolled hem but since my bottom fabric was on the heavier side I decided to bling it out with some fun trim!
This pattern has options in knit and woven and can be short or long sleeved so there is something for everyone and all of our seasons! It was a quick sew with easy to follow directions (just be sure to pin those layers on the bottom half so they line up properly for you!)


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before...

Well, let's face it...Star Trek isn't a new theme for many people out there but it was for us and we sure did have fun with it!

Check it out...this is the first time I have made 5/5 costumes! I made shirts for Mr. CB and the boys, PJ Pants for the boys, tunics and leggings for the Creative Princess and I! To top it off I did it all in a matter of about 5 days! A new record for me I'm sure!

My friend at Bow-Licious made the logos for our shirts. Aren't they awesome?

Now, you all know I started a new job in September right? No...I am working half-time at our church as the Family Ministries Co-ordintar. What does this mean? Time is tight! We are still adjusting to me having 20 fewer hours to do the things I do so...we put this all together pretty quickly this year.

The Food!

 Did you notice our Transporter Pad Photo Booth? I found this idea on-line and as soon as I showed it to Mr. CB he was 110% on board! We kept it super simple with gold table cloths, a red sheet and silver cake boards (don't worry, we aren't going to use them for cake now!)

The kids (and bigger kids) all loved taking photos on our Transporter Pad! 

 Not pictured here is the chocolate treats we made, the Star Trek Bingo the kids (and dads) played and the other puzzles I found to send home with the kids.

Another year, another theme all wrapped up Creative Bug style...that's 13 years of Habgood Haunts under our belt. Who knows what next year will bring!


Friday, October 24, 2014

Thankful for a Rest.

Over Thanksgiving weekend I was lucky enough to test a couple of patterns...I made 3 of Golden Rippy's latest top the Ice Blink but only brought one home with me. I hope the others that I made are being enjoyed!

The day I wanted to take photos was pretty when the Creative Princess stopped to put her shoes on I stopped her and we took the photos in the back room. I am loving the look of our rustic door in the background!

 When I was done editing these photos I immediately sent a couple to Mr. CB so he could feel the sense of shock I did over how much our girl has grown up!
 One of my favourite features of this top is the exposed zipper...I got really lucky and picked up some great zippers in Sudbury...they don't seem to have anything as awesome as this here in Niagara...I'm keeping my eyes peel for more fun zippers for sure!

Here is a peak at the other 2 shirts I made while we were in Sudbury. I hope the girls are enjoying them!

This pattern was quick and fun to put together! I love the zipper feature (it's my first time putting a zipper into a shirt like this!), the instructions were easy to follow and Rachel from Golden Rippy is there to guide you each step of the way! If you are looking for something different to do with some brilliant prints this top is for sure it! 

The sizing goes from 12 months to 12 years but please make this one by measurements as it fits big (Creative Princess is normally in size 14 ready to wear).


Thursday, October 09, 2014

My Lady Knight - Charming Doodle Tween/Adult Knight Hoodie

When this Hoodie came up for testing from Charming Doodle I was SO excited! I didn't know where to begin! My middle man isn't big enough for this pattern so the Creative Princess got to be my canvas. I didn't tell anyone in the house what I was up to (nothing new really) I just got to work.
 You can see that initially she was hesitant...take the photos mum! But then she started to enjoy herself and the Creative Princess has barely take this hoodie off for washing!

The Creative Princess LOVES Tamora Pierce and the stories of Alanna the Lady Knight so I knew she would enjoy is a quote just for you!
“Why do boys say someone acts like a girl as if it were an insult?” 
― Tamora PierceIn the Hand of the Goddess
'Round here we think girls are pretty awesome!

What can I tell you about this pattern?

  • Print and tape, super easy to assemble
  • The directions are clear and it comes together pretty quickly
  • It is a fun sew! There were so many variations made (solid hoodies, colourful hoodies) it was fun to see how they all came together
  • Let your imagination go on this one! I love everyday 'costumes' and this fits that perfectly.

En guarde!

The boys are begging for their own versions and I will get to them...eventually!
