
Friday, November 21, 2014

Zip-off Whatnow?

This fall I really surprised myself by making the boys each a pair of Scientific Seamstress Field Research Pants! They have loads of pockets, zip-off legs and lots of comfort! The great thing about using PDF patterns is that there are on-line communities that are welcoming, supportive and helpful if you have any questions...check out Scientific Seamstress' Facebook Page for more on this.

How about a little pocket love? It took quite awhile to get those pockets all just right and then sewn on and top-stitched but it was worth every minute! My boys seriously love these pants!

Now, they needed some great new shirts to go with these pants right? So...I finally got my Patterns for Pirates Lumberjack Hoodie Pattern out and did these up. They went together really quickly especially considering I lined mine with fleece rather than the suggested jersey or flannel. We live in Canada, eh!

The boys wear these daily. They love them! My middle guy's only complaint is that there isn't a snap right below his chin. but he wore it as a jacket for most of the fall anyway.

My guys are pretty great...they love my handmade clothes, they mostly love each other and they put up with all these photos for their mama!

Yup, they're pretty great if you ask me!


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