
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before...

Well, let's face it...Star Trek isn't a new theme for many people out there but it was for us and we sure did have fun with it!

Check it out...this is the first time I have made 5/5 costumes! I made shirts for Mr. CB and the boys, PJ Pants for the boys, tunics and leggings for the Creative Princess and I! To top it off I did it all in a matter of about 5 days! A new record for me I'm sure!

My friend at Bow-Licious made the logos for our shirts. Aren't they awesome?

Now, you all know I started a new job in September right? No...I am working half-time at our church as the Family Ministries Co-ordintar. What does this mean? Time is tight! We are still adjusting to me having 20 fewer hours to do the things I do so...we put this all together pretty quickly this year.

The Food!

 Did you notice our Transporter Pad Photo Booth? I found this idea on-line and as soon as I showed it to Mr. CB he was 110% on board! We kept it super simple with gold table cloths, a red sheet and silver cake boards (don't worry, we aren't going to use them for cake now!)

The kids (and bigger kids) all loved taking photos on our Transporter Pad! 

 Not pictured here is the chocolate treats we made, the Star Trek Bingo the kids (and dads) played and the other puzzles I found to send home with the kids.

Another year, another theme all wrapped up Creative Bug style...that's 13 years of Habgood Haunts under our belt. Who knows what next year will bring!



  1. Those are great! I'm a big Star Trek nerd! :D

  2. Thanks Andie! We had loads of fun and my children have already worn their costumes as every day I guess you could say we're fans too! ;)
