
Thursday, November 13, 2014

All Dressed Up!

Remember this dress? It's one of my favourites and I made much better does it get than that?
Turns out my aunt really loved it too! She was getting ready for a trip to Indonesia so she asked me if she could commission me to make her a longer sleeved version to wear on her trip. I agreed and then the challenge began! You see my aunt was living in Northern Alberta at the I went fabric shopping and in the end...she chose the same fabric that I did!
Here she is with her grandson. Aren't they gorgeous? 
 I couldn't decide what to charge my aunt so instead I asked her to bring some fabrics home to me (she is now back in Ontario). So here she is shopping in the market in Yogijakarta!

My original dress was made following Jocole's Crossover Tunic Pattern with the Maxi Dress Add-on. My Aunt's dress was made with the same pattern but I used Jocole's Peplum Pattern for the sleeves.


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