
Monday, March 01, 2010

Where oh where has Creative Bug Gone?

I have been trying to post 2-3 times a week but then all of a sudden...bam! I didn't post at all last week! I can't even say exactly what happened!

A few weekends ago we took a family day in Niagara Falls...tourists in our own region...this is what happens when I leave the children alone with Martin...
Babies hanging precariously over a pool of water! Ahhh, harm, no foul I suppose!At least they weren't hanging over the falls! Aren't they beautiful in the winter?
Apparently Sean has learned some he is...what a guy!
We went on the Journey Behind the Falls. It was neat but we recommend you do it in the summer...more bang for your buck I say, I say!
Well, the mist started to really come down...we had fabric to buy and TVs to look at after this! It was a full day!


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