
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

The weather outside got a little frightful here...finally! You might want to get your hot drink of choice on hand for this post...I enjoyed this nice cup of real hot chocolate...yum! Who wouldn't love hot chocolate on a stick???
Here is Simon all geared up for the snow! He is a real trooper when it comes to being outside...he can't keep up with the other 2 yet but soon I would say!
Here is his first glance at a snowman all finished and decorated! He loved it! Just look at Sarah's mouth in the background! They are just so fun!
And here he is the builder himself with his snowman...the next day as you can see from the build-up of snow on his snowed for a couple of days...good packing snow...
One last thing to do while we have a decent amount of snow on the ground...
The kids had so much fun! Even Simon loved toboganning!!! Ahhh, the adventure.

Snow fun I say!

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