
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Home Economics 101

I have something that I need to tell's quite serious...a number of people have been asking me question lately so I'd like to address them but first off you need to know when I took Home Economics in grades 7 and 8 I got a C!!! Can you imagine? I don't think my sewing project was even wearable! I was one of the last to get my sewing license too!!! When I was in university, I made curtains and whole Hallowe'en Costumes by hand stitching and stitch witchery. Then my mother insisted it was time to grow I made some simple curtains and our first crib bedding and it has gone on from there.

This is one of my bigger projects...the boys' room...
I simply fell in love when I saw this fabric...each of the boys has a colour...Simon is red so his bits all have red trim...these blankets were so easy to make and I just love them! I am grateful for my sewing friends who helped me design exactly how I wanted to put these together! They are simple but just perfect as far as I am concerned.Here is Sean's side of the room...he was so excited about his new blanket he used it instead of his duvet the first night he had it! So sweet...I love that boy...Simon's side...Simon is just learning to sleep in this bed...he only moved out of the crib on Saturday night...This was Martin's idea...he is so creative...he chose the fabric, cut it and spray painted the frames to co-ordinate...the pillow cases were his idea too...I am certain that we will use every scrap of the map fabric that I bought!I need to get some forms for throw pillows next but there are other rooms to get to while I have some time to myself!


1 comment:

  1. You are so talented. What a great job!!Their beds look amazing!!
