
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Home Economics 101

I have something that I need to tell's quite serious...a number of people have been asking me question lately so I'd like to address them but first off you need to know when I took Home Economics in grades 7 and 8 I got a C!!! Can you imagine? I don't think my sewing project was even wearable! I was one of the last to get my sewing license too!!! When I was in university, I made curtains and whole Hallowe'en Costumes by hand stitching and stitch witchery. Then my mother insisted it was time to grow I made some simple curtains and our first crib bedding and it has gone on from there.

This is one of my bigger projects...the boys' room...
I simply fell in love when I saw this fabric...each of the boys has a colour...Simon is red so his bits all have red trim...these blankets were so easy to make and I just love them! I am grateful for my sewing friends who helped me design exactly how I wanted to put these together! They are simple but just perfect as far as I am concerned.Here is Sean's side of the room...he was so excited about his new blanket he used it instead of his duvet the first night he had it! So sweet...I love that boy...Simon's side...Simon is just learning to sleep in this bed...he only moved out of the crib on Saturday night...This was Martin's idea...he is so creative...he chose the fabric, cut it and spray painted the frames to co-ordinate...the pillow cases were his idea too...I am certain that we will use every scrap of the map fabric that I bought!I need to get some forms for throw pillows next but there are other rooms to get to while I have some time to myself!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Full of beans...

I now have a clearer understanding of the expression full of see...I decided to make beanbag chairs for the we attempted to fill the first one things got a little messy. The first bag of beans looked like mini mallows...they fit perfectly between baby toes...see?
Did I mention they were staticy?
Oh and look at that floor!!!
We took some time to be a little ridiculous with them and had fun playing with the beans in the living room (Martin is so very happy he wasn't home to witness this) and then Sarah and I cleaned them all up...well, almost all of them anyway.
And here is Sean in his chair...I will share more photos of the projects I did this weekend soon...the boys got some nice cool stuff for their room...Sean is super excited and Simon well, he's adjusting to his new bed...


Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

We don't always do a lot for Valentine's Day over here but DH started the weekend off just right by bringing home a copy of Julie and Julia for me. Sweet.

And it is an annual tradition to have our festive pancakes...I need to use the forms that I HAD to have!!!
Simon was loving the chocolate chip pancakes!
Then I was still feeling the love at lunch so I made the kids heart quesidillas...
And then I would hate for any particular meal to feel left out so the kids and I made a ginormous heart cookie and I decorated it with chocolate syrup and sprinkles...
As a side note, we have been working on Simon moving to his big boy bed...well, last night was night #2 and he went down without a whimper. Martin peaked in on him when we went to bed and found him stripped to his diaper and all nestled in this pile of clothing, diapers and change pads he had cleared out of his dresser.
So...we covered him with a blanket and called it a night...he sure did have a good nap today! Oh and speaking of blankets, wait till you see what I have been up to in the boy's room!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Sew Happy Valentine's Day!

I am going to apologize for the photos in was still early when I took them...natural light makes all the difference!

Well, the other day we had a conversation that went something like this...

Sarah: "Mummy, I still need a valentine for my teacher."
Mummy: "Yes, I was thinking about that...I was thinking we could make truffles..."
Sarah: "Any other ideas Mummy?"
Mummy: "Well, we could also make homemade gummies."
Sarah: "I was thinking an apple bag."
Mummy: "What? Well, I did see a Valentine's Day Tic Tac Toe Game Tutorial..."
Sarah and Sean: "Okay!"
Mummy...stands quietly and wonders...wait a minute how did that just happen!!! Sneaky kids!

Well, I did see this super cute tutorial at Roots and Wings Co. and I did want to make it for the teachers but then the mailbags (they're coming) took so long that I was worried about time and I have some other sewing projects that I want to get to...
But, I do so have a terrible time saying no! I did however, have to draw the line when Sarah suggested that I make one for the EA in her class as well...she is a wonderful woman but these were a bit of work and I really want to move on to my other sewing!!!

Now for the mailbags...
Now this idea, I got from another blog called Our Scoop. What a sweet place! You can bet I will be hanging around there from now on! The directions were great and the results even better!
The first one you saw was Sarah's...Here comes Sean's...
Isn't this polka dot fabric totally fab? I am loving it! I got it in the Christmas fabrics for $2.5/m!!! What a steal!
I will share more Valentine's Day Photos as they come...we are looking forward to a weekend of lovin'!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy Christmas Carol's Care Kit!

Last January I met this woman...she was fun, full of life and well, I really wanted to know her but we were at a weekend conference that ended so very quickly (I had Simon there with I had my hands full!) Then I saw her again in April at another event...I was even more inspired by her and it was then that I decided that anything that she is involved in has got to be a good thing so, we signed up for family camp at Bimini as she is the director of the camp.

Well, after a wonderful weekend I thought that is one cool lady...but she was busy so we didn't necessarily connect. Heck I was there with my husband and 3 children along with a bunch of other families, it was crazy! Crazy good of course, no...crazy great!

Anyway, there was this thing...about purple soap...Sean became obsessed with it. So, I called her so Sean could ask her for purple soap...then a parcel arrived with something we had left behind and some purple soap and that's when friendship became inevitable!

I finally got a care package together for her that I had mentally prepared before Christmas...

It included some essentials...a nice big mug for hot chocolate...
Chapstick and hand warmers for toboganning adventures...
And of course, purple soap!
Now, it can be tough to come by a box around here at times so I was struggling...but then I found this box that had been created into a car. The car was too small for Sarah so she had pushed it aside. I truncated it and taped it (quite a bit according to my friend) and packed up the goodies with some you know what sizzle is? It's the crinkly purple paper you see in the first photo with the mug. It's fun! I love that stuff! It makes me happy...

I got a call today. Carol got her care kit...she was happy...that made me happy...everytime I found myself grumbling about it being Wednesday (I have a thing about Wednesdays) I would think of Carol and how happy she was about the parcel. She claims she won't use the soap, she doesn't want to take the ribbon off of the hand warmers and she tells me that one day...maybe, just maybe she might do a craft with me (even though she hates crafts) because with me...the Creative Bug, it just might be fun!

Thanks Carol, you made my day too.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Pamper Me Silly!

Well, with Valentine's Day just around the corner I know many of us are hoping for a little pampering...mmm...I know I would like some anyway! But that's not really what this post is about...I wanted to share a few photos of my Pampering Fest this year...
I really wanted to focus on my themed parties so you can see I brought Winter stuff, Princess and the Frog stuff, Ice Cream stuff, Spa stuff...and I just about fell over with excitement when someone suggested they might like to have a pirate party! Oh Shiver Me Timbers! So fun!

Oh, there was my draw prize...a lovely lady from Grimsby won that! Yeah!
Another shot of my table with the Family Blocks, Me Books (from summer camp) and other goodies!


Sunday, February 07, 2010


Some of you may recall that last year for Mother's Day we made Bakerella's Oreo Truffles...yum! So when (look out 'cause this may get confusing) my cousin's wife, Jen, asked me to make the favours for my cousin Jennifer's baby shower (they are sisters-in-law...and share the same last name!!!) I thought it was time to revisit Bakerella and go Oreo!
One of the things that my cousin Jennifer is known for is her love of scuba diving. She teaches people how to dive, works in a dive shop, you get the idea! So, I thought no other decor would be better on these little boxes then scuba divers...
I just love how these babies all turned out...
Did I mention that she and the father to be are expecting a boy?
We are looking forward to the safe arrival of Baby Hamm...xo
