
Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

We don't always do a lot for Valentine's Day over here but DH started the weekend off just right by bringing home a copy of Julie and Julia for me. Sweet.

And it is an annual tradition to have our festive pancakes...I need to use the forms that I HAD to have!!!
Simon was loving the chocolate chip pancakes!
Then I was still feeling the love at lunch so I made the kids heart quesidillas...
And then I would hate for any particular meal to feel left out so the kids and I made a ginormous heart cookie and I decorated it with chocolate syrup and sprinkles...
As a side note, we have been working on Simon moving to his big boy bed...well, last night was night #2 and he went down without a whimper. Martin peaked in on him when we went to bed and found him stripped to his diaper and all nestled in this pile of clothing, diapers and change pads he had cleared out of his dresser.
So...we covered him with a blanket and called it a night...he sure did have a good nap today! Oh and speaking of blankets, wait till you see what I have been up to in the boy's room!


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