
Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Creative Bug!

Every once in a while, the cupcake has to grow up. You know...they have a bit of a reputation for being childlike and cute so this time we did something a little different...
A little more sophisticated...A little more dangerous?!
And well, Mr Creative Bug maybe a year older but I do believe that he is as mature as these cupcakes! If you are interested in a mature relationship with cupcakes check out Martha Stewart's Cupcake book she has sweet to sophisticated covered between 2 covers...
Happy Birthday Mr. Creative Bug. I love you.


Creative Camp!

You're invited to:
Creative Camp!!!

When: Monday December 21st, 10am-1pm
What: Creative Camp - Christmas Crafts, Games and FUN!
Where: Trinity United Church, Jory Hall
Why: To celebrate 'The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"
Details: Cost - $15, Bring a packed lunch

RSVP and Payment due by December 14th
Call Heather at 905.563.1201 for more information
or e-mail me at

Spaces are limited so please do not delay!
Payment due with 5 days of registration to hold your spot.
This event is limited to school aged children please.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's almost Christmas Time...

The time of the year, that's so full of cheer
Yes it's almost Christmas time and I'm glad that it's finally here!

Anyone know that one? I haven't heard it in's very nostalgic for me. That and Silver Bells and The Little Drummer Boy and...and...and...

I was in Grade 1/2 the other day...making some Christmas treats, making some happy kids...
Look at these babies! Some of the girls were calling these ornaments mistletoe...the boys didn't like that!!! No way, na uh! Hehe!

A good friend of mine with his Rudolph card...aren't they the sweetest?
I left the school with;
  • a bin of leftovers
  • a sore throat
  • a rumbly tumbly
  • a warmed spirit...after receiving hugs from a number of my friends.
Thank you Grade 1/2 for having me visit! It was fun!!!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas is around the corner...

Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming!
Oh dear...oh dear...oh....
Frosty the snowman sat on a wall,
Frosty the snowman had a great fall,
All Santa's reindeer
And all of Santa's elves,
Couldn't put Frosty together again...

So, they made another bunch of snowmen!

Aren't they the cutest thing eva?!

These will be turned into scrapbook pages after Christmas is over and added to the albums the kiddies will find under the tree this year (filled with pages that they have done over the last year...I am so proud of them and their hard work!)Finally, it's the march of the penguins! How cute are these? I love that Sean felt the need to print his name on the nose of his penguin!!!
Kids are peculiar beings...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crop Night Fun!

I have been lucky enough to have a few crop nights in November so I thought I would share with you what I did at the first one (better late than never) or some of what I did at least! I was a few years behind on my nephew's birthday book so without further ado...
He turned 5 two years ago...sad I know but at least it's done now...our kids were lucky enough to enjoy an evening with our nephew and then go to a play place in the morning!
Jack later took a bunch of friends to a Toronto Marlee's I made this page so that my Sister-in-law could add some of her photos...
I know it's hard to see the stickers but they are all hockey related...I have had them kicking around for years and can't believe I actually found them when I was looking for them!!!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

A little bit of sweetness in my life...

So, here are the details on our upcoming workshop...

First, the project...
Second the other stuff;
Workshop on December 8th, 6-10pm
RSVP and payment due by December 1st
Appetizers provided
*Will take a minimum of 3 hours to complete
Now, shall we do the next event at my house or yours?
The kids loved their house waffles...what a treat! It's so good when you get a big win as a parent!!! Yeah Mummy!

Now these...these are rum drenched vanilla cakes. Uhhh...yum!!! So good. Don't forget to order your Christmas Baking! ;)
How can Simon be crazy already at just 16 months I wonder? He has been spending too much time in this house I say!

Finally, Simon says "Peace Out!"Enjoy!

Friday, November 20, 2009


If you are a product of the 80s like might remember Kevin...the rainbow chips ahoy boy. Well, I have one of those living in my house...last Friday I was happily decorating cupcakes when the kids came down for breakfast.

Mistake #1
So, I ever so carefully moved them to the know, out of their way.
Mistake #2
Then I went upstairs to get Simon.

I came downstairs to 'It was an accident it wasn't me'. Ummmm, if you created the accident don't you think you should take responsibility?

Some people call him 'Little Red' or 'Copper Top' I call him Sean or sometimes Sean Martin or when things are very bad I call him Sean Martin Habgood. But things weren't bad that day...I was in a good mood...I was going away for the weekend and taking these babies with me (the cupcakes not the kids.)

So, I patted Sean on the head and gave him and Sarah each a smooshed flower and moved on. So unlike me. It felt good. Then I finished the cupcakes...
I really like the pink ones...they make me happy...they could be any colour in the real bouquet might be nice but for now I shall have to get my enjoyment from cupcakes!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

School's Out?!

Last Friday was a PA day at they filled their time by playing school??? What??? Crazy!
The best part was that Simon did NOT want to be left out (as usual, so I had to set up a table for him too...I love this boy!)
And when that was all done we spent the day together before I headed off to a school of my own...a weekend retreat at Five you can see it was very serious stuff!!!
This was my home group...a great bunch of times, lots of ideas and sharing...time to take time to figure out what makes our youth groups tick...
I came back with a lighter weight on my shoulders and very happy to have seen some old friends (well, not really old but I did get to visit with some friends) and made a few new friends...

I hope you all had a great weekend too!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

I hear it's your birthday...

I was asked to do a cake for an old friend...seriously, I know I am young but it seems like a lifetime ago since I met her. I used to babysit her son for goodness sake! Anyway, it was to be a scrapbook I tried...
And when I was done I sent the above photo to the woman who asked for the cake (another friend) and neither one of us were happy. She said "I like the flowers...", I said "It looks like an anniversary cake". We said scrap it! (Pun absolutely intended!!!)
So I did...with about 40mins left to finish the cake, I took it apart and did a redo. Remember 'Redos' from when you were a kid? Well, today I did one even though I am an adult...
So, I fashioned some craft scissors, sprinkled glitter on the cake (it's edible don't worry) and put the glitter container on the side. And how about those wood blocks! I threw in a couple stamps for the birthday girl!

Happy Birthday Nancy!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

I know it's not Sunday anymore...but the days are all too short lately!

We enjoyed a Remembrance Service at church on Sunday...the kids played the drums in Prayer for Peace...they were great!
I love the interaction going on in this photo...Bryar making room for Simon, Sarah drumming away and Sean smiling at was good to be there.Then the teens let us take them out rock climbing! That was a lot of fun! I am looking forward to taking our family now!Finally, a couple of our teens lost their grandmother this week so the kids and I delivered this basket of goodies from the teen group...just so you know...we are thinking of you.There aren't enough be sure to...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Tutu for You you!

I really wish there were more hours in a day and more dollars in the bank...there is just too much fun to be had!!!

On Halloween Sarah and I worked hard to complete this tulle skirt and Ponytail holders...she loved it! I am sorry I do not have any photos of her wearing it...
The first tutu was inspired by the following tutu that I created for an upcoming Television Auction to be held by GAMRU.

I hope a little girl in the area is truly inspired by this little outfit...Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Black & White Sweetness

Usually when I do cakes, I deliver them myself. But I got an order from a friend in Oakville so we made arrangements that my husband would take the cake to Oakville. So, I packed up the cake in 2 boxes and shipped it off. I had a spare box as well with a few embellishments in it.

I was so nervous. She would have to stack the cakes and add the bows to the cakes. What if it didn't work? What if something broke? Oh boy...
So you can imagine my delight when I got these photos of the cake. Assembled. At the shower. And looking beautiful.
Whew! Beautiful. The top tier is lemon cake with lemon buttercream. The bottom tier is Black Chocolate Cake with Creamy filling to match the black and white theme of the wedding.All the best to the happy couple!


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Owl always love you...

Well, I have fallen quite a bit behind as of late so please excuse me while I try to catch up! These cupcakes should have been done back in September but here I find that they were finally completed on November 1st...hmmm...

Some serious concentration went into this decorating...look at them...Sarah's first attempt at piping and decorative icing. Very nice!
Here is our Back to School Creative Kids Workshop for this year! Since I just had our 2 to do this with...I took my time...we did the scrapbook page and treat bags awhile back...
and the cupcakes we did on November was a good way to use a few bits of their Halloween Candy...Sean's is the multi-coloured eye owl, Sarah donated the red eyes for mine and Sarah's is the yellow-eyed owl...nice!
And the cupcake monster himself...
By the time he licked his spatula and ate the Skittles that that owl didn't need he couldn't even finish his cupcake...that's my boy!


Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well, I must begin by apologizing...I do believe that my nerves got the better of me last week! It would seem that my photos from the 8th Annual Habgood Haunt are somewhat blurry. Not unlike me but I usually take enough that there are a few good ones...not entirely the case this time...

We worked really hard on this year's theme...
We really kicked the creativity a notch when it came to our refreshments...
Even our healthy treats...
The hummus wasn't the biggest hero on the table though...
And the Kryptonite didn't get any of us down...
'Cause we had a Hero Sandwich that helped save the day...
And an Incredible Family too...please may I introduce...'The Habgoodibles'
And let us celebrate with cake. Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. Yum!We hope you had an 'Incredible Halloween'!

The Habgoodibles