
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crop Night Fun!

I have been lucky enough to have a few crop nights in November so I thought I would share with you what I did at the first one (better late than never) or some of what I did at least! I was a few years behind on my nephew's birthday book so without further ado...
He turned 5 two years ago...sad I know but at least it's done now...our kids were lucky enough to enjoy an evening with our nephew and then go to a play place in the morning!
Jack later took a bunch of friends to a Toronto Marlee's I made this page so that my Sister-in-law could add some of her photos...
I know it's hard to see the stickers but they are all hockey related...I have had them kicking around for years and can't believe I actually found them when I was looking for them!!!


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