
Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well, I must begin by apologizing...I do believe that my nerves got the better of me last week! It would seem that my photos from the 8th Annual Habgood Haunt are somewhat blurry. Not unlike me but I usually take enough that there are a few good ones...not entirely the case this time...

We worked really hard on this year's theme...
We really kicked the creativity a notch when it came to our refreshments...
Even our healthy treats...
The hummus wasn't the biggest hero on the table though...
And the Kryptonite didn't get any of us down...
'Cause we had a Hero Sandwich that helped save the day...
And an Incredible Family too...please may I introduce...'The Habgoodibles'
And let us celebrate with cake. Pumpkin Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. Yum!We hope you had an 'Incredible Halloween'!

The Habgoodibles

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