
Thursday, November 19, 2009

School's Out?!

Last Friday was a PA day at they filled their time by playing school??? What??? Crazy!
The best part was that Simon did NOT want to be left out (as usual, so I had to set up a table for him too...I love this boy!)
And when that was all done we spent the day together before I headed off to a school of my own...a weekend retreat at Five you can see it was very serious stuff!!!
This was my home group...a great bunch of times, lots of ideas and sharing...time to take time to figure out what makes our youth groups tick...
I came back with a lighter weight on my shoulders and very happy to have seen some old friends (well, not really old but I did get to visit with some friends) and made a few new friends...

I hope you all had a great weekend too!


1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous, Heather!! Good job on the weight loss. :) Not that you didn't look fabulous before. Ahem. Just sayin. ;) And as usual, the kids are adorable.
