
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Creative Parties Challenge

I have recently stumbled across this blog creativepartiesandshowers and would simply LOVE to be featured on, I figure I should start with something that I worked really hard on and did what I consider a bang up job! I went digging around my blog for the photos of everything I did for the Seuss Birthday back in the winter and discovered that I didn't share everything with you, my beloved readers. So bear with me...we're going to step back in time a bit!

Remember these invitations?

And the great little rhyme?Now here are the decorations I shipped out...
And the these were inspired by the ones we did at Hallowe'en (this is worth checking out if you haven't seen it...) and here is more of our costumes.I love that I am not the only one that still sends out Thank You Cards...and these sure were fun to make!So, thanks for stopping by! And well, I hope that this is a good place to start to get featured on the Creative Party Blog!


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