
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Unbirthday to You!

Since our children are all blessed with summer birthdays I try to get some treats together for them to bring in sometime in the spring to celebrate their unbirthday (ever seen Alice in Wonderland?) So, Sean and I decided that robots were the way to go this year...
Here is Sean...very proud of Mummy's hard work!
Surveying the options ahead of time...they sure did choose carefully!
This was SO fun to watch! The teacher does a little show with the birthday child...I wish I had known that before...I might have shown up for every birthday!!!
The class with their control panels. Everyone made their very own robot control panel and wore it for the afternoon.
I sure do love Kindergarten!!!


Monday, May 25, 2009

It's Birthday Time!

It's been quiet on the birthday front over here but Alicia has been waiting for sometime to celebrate her birthday in my workshop! We have had this one booked for ages...

Here is Alicia with her friends...these girls came all the way from Hamilton to celebrate in my workshop! They were full energy and excitement after the car ride here! (We are missing a few of the girls here...they were too shy to join in the photos...)
Alicia and her Mom planned a flower is quite popular around here. We based in on the cookies on sticks (another favourite!) and went from there. We also created monogrammed tags and clipboards along with toppers for their goodie bags. The papers all coordinate and looked great!
We hope you had a great time girls!

Happy Birthday Alicia!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Popcorn anyone?

I want you to take an extra close look at this popcorn...cause it took me a long time to make! It wasn't just a matter of putting some corn in the air popper...these are marshmallows cut and glued together with icing.

This is the first bowl of popcorn that I can't finish!!!

So, rather than consume it, the popcorn was next adhered to mini-cupcakes...
And finally, I popped (pun totally intended) them into a popcorn box and took them to our fireworks. The kids loved them! They are small but a lot of work and a lot of fun!!!
For the adults, I made mint chocolate cupcakes with mint icing...but I think it was mostly the kids who ate you know any kids that don't like cupcakes???
Sweet eh?


Friday, May 15, 2009

A Fairy Good Time!

Remember the fairy invitations and amendments? Well, it's just about party time so I just shipped off some decorations to go along with the theme!

Wanna see? I hope so 'cause here they are...

Napkin rings. It's tricky to see in the photos but each ballerina has a set of vellum wings. So sweet!
The birthday banner...this was a whim (actually it all kinda was!) but isn't it sweet! And fortunately the hostess decided to humour me! ;)
Finally, the crowning touch...I also included 6 tiaras for the girls, which I forgot to take a photo of...silly me! I was mostly excited to get the package shipped out. The tiaras are super cute...I will be sure to take photos next time I do some up!

Speaking of birthdays...mine was yesterday. Here are Sarah & Sean presenting the birthday cake that they helped DH make for me. Didn't they do a fabulous job??? I am going to get DH to do all of my buttercream icing from now on I think!
Well, have a good night everyone!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am...

I am a volunteer...
I lead our teen group at church with another woman. We decided to give out flowers to all the women at service for Mother's Day.

I am a mother...
When we were done she made me a bouquet and brought it to was nice...we have been working hard on getting things together lately and I am a mother too.

I am a child...
A young boy came up and asked me if the flowers were extras...they were...sort of. He asked for one. As I reached to give him one he asked for the only red one. It made me sad and I told him so...but I gave it to him none the less. Then my bouquet was whittled down further by a few women that we had missed...

I am blessed...
I told the woman who had helped organize the event what happened. She told me she had chosen the red one specifically for me. Later that day, these arrived delivered by my friend.
There is a lesson here I am certain. As I face many challenges and am trying to make the right decisions for our family over the next few days and weeks. I think that if I am patient it will all come together. Patience isn't easy to find...but if I wait maybe the answers will come.

I am blessed by friends, family and a wonderful community. Thank you all.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunshine on a cloudy day...

I think that there is a little bit of magic in Oreo know there are not a lot of store bought cookies that I go gaga over but Oreos are definitely one of them...
So, how could I not make these cupcakes covered, just covered in Oreos? Big Oreos, little's all good!
But you can never go wrong with a little icing either...
Then a few Ladybugs from Skittles...I kinda feel like a Fairy Godmother...well, maybe I shouldn't let it go to my head! But boy I do believe that these could make sunshine on a cloudy day.
Here they are all set up and ready to go for the big event. This is the stand that DH made me last year...doesn't it look great? I sure do love it...and him too for that matter.
Anyway, time to get myself moving over here...hope you all had a Great Mother's Day.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, we made these truffles last Sunday for Mother's Day Creative Kids...I know you have already seen the photo but considering the number I have eaten I figure you can drool over them again! We also made a few other was sweet!
Next on the list was something to remember our tots and their abilities by...I had fun designing these (yes, I truly can take the credit for these puppies...) We made a book as well as 4 coordinating cards. This way Mums can give away the cards but still have the book to refer to.
Finally, I packed up a bag to share with my favourite newspaper editor (sorry guys if there are any other local editors reading this blog please own up and I will bring you a bag of something yummy right away!) I want to keep everyone happy...there was a great article done about Creative Bug back in January so this was a bit late getting there but I did make it...
I didn't actually give him the greeting card...but I thought it might be sweet to include it in the photo (sorry for the shameless pun).

Happy Mother's Day!


Friday, May 08, 2009

Bakerella has a place in my favourites!

Dear Bakerella,

I sure do like your blog! I have been dying to try making Cupcake Pops but just haven't had a chance to get around to it. But the other day I finally had the opportunity to make Oreo Truffles and boy are they ever good! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on these!
Mine weren't as nice and smooth and even as yours but they were still delicious! Then as I was reading about your Peanut Truffles that you made with Nutter Butters it made me think of good ole Canadian Maple Cookies. Have you ever had these? Well, I decided that since the truffles are actually pretty easy to make I better try a batch of these...
Well, sorry for the blurry photo but here they are...So Bakerella, what I was wondering is if you would like a box of Maple Cookies so you can try these puppies yourself. They sure are yummy! In the meantime I am going to do my best to get some Mint Oreos (they don't sell them in Canada) because I am dying to try them!

Thank you for the continuous inspiration! It is fabulous that there are so many talented people like you willing to share their endeavours through their blogs.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Creative Parties Challenge

I have recently stumbled across this blog creativepartiesandshowers and would simply LOVE to be featured on, I figure I should start with something that I worked really hard on and did what I consider a bang up job! I went digging around my blog for the photos of everything I did for the Seuss Birthday back in the winter and discovered that I didn't share everything with you, my beloved readers. So bear with me...we're going to step back in time a bit!

Remember these invitations?

And the great little rhyme?Now here are the decorations I shipped out...
And the these were inspired by the ones we did at Hallowe'en (this is worth checking out if you haven't seen it...) and here is more of our costumes.I love that I am not the only one that still sends out Thank You Cards...and these sure were fun to make!So, thanks for stopping by! And well, I hope that this is a good place to start to get featured on the Creative Party Blog!


Sunday, May 03, 2009

They paved paradise...

I know I don't write a lot on my's mostly about the pictures for me what can I say? But I do have something I would like to share with you. A letter I wrote in response to Silken Laumann's article Child's Play in April's Today's Parent (well worth reading by the way.)

This is the first time I have ever written a letter in response to an article like this so bear with me...

Hello to Ms Laumann and all those who support her through this website.

I recently read the article "Child's Play" in Today's Parent Magazine and just couldn't get it out of my head. You see, we moved to Beamsville, a small agricultural community in the midst of Niagara's Wine Country almost 2 years ago. Our home backs on to the centre of our community, the Lincoln County Fairgrounds which has been located there for over 150 years. The article really struck a chord as our community is in a battle with the town about this space. The property has been sold to a local developer who would like to build 470 dwellings. It is a sad day for us.

As I watched cars unload children, coolers, chairs and soccer equipment this morning I was deeply saddened. It would seem that they are going to pave our paradise and put up an apartment building? Well 3 or 4 in fact along with a myriad of stacked town houses, and detached homes. As we work in our garden we hear children and their parents cheering on the games, you see there is a whole tournament going on right there in the centre of our town. It is a little quieter in the winter but the fairgrounds are home to our town's arena so there is a constant flow of traffic. Our local schools walk to the arena to go skating at least 4 times over the winter, we walk to all of our childrens' soccer games in the summer, people run their dogs, play baseball and simply meet there. Not only is this a local meeting place for sports but it is also the home of the Strawberry Festival and the Lincoln County Fair.

There are people in our community that are working together to try to stop this development and create a space that would be even more functional. They would like to see a community centre, a new library, a bigger arena and maybe even a historical museum to commemorate the town and the space. We believe this would be wonderful but it takes a lot of momentum and support...

I do not know all of the bits and peices about it...mostly just that the cheers of the summer and the commardery of the winter may soon end. They will relocate to the outskirts of town so we will all have to drive and it will no longer be accessible to our children, our teens, ourselves.

I know it's a lot to ask but boy would it ever be amazing if we could have a spirit and a voice like yours supporting us. Supporting our community and its dreams. That would be something.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Community Spaces and the wonder of Child's Play. It meant a lot to my husband and I.

Heather Habgood
5059 King St., PO Box 618
Beamsville, ON
L0R 1B0

We can all dream right? Ours is that the Fairgrounds remains an open space, a community space not just for us but for generations to come.


Saturday, May 02, 2009

Mothers Day Reflections

Sorry for the not so great photos but the clock is ticking over here. Did you know that Mother's Day is only a week away??? Whew! I have so much on the go I lost track of time and had no idea it was sneaking up on me like that! Actually, I did take a little time off this past know, I mostly spent my time with the kids and cleaning the house...maybe flipping through a magazine or two. Hard to believe I ever slow it down? Oh well, I did do those amendments at the start of the week didn't I? Ah well...what can I say?

So, I am getting ready for my crop night on Friday (I am very excited!) That's right it's this Friday...kinda muffed didn't realize the first Friday was yesterday so work with me!
Anyway, I would like to invite you all to join me for a session on Mother's Day Refections! Here's the deal...I would like you to come crop with me and for this time only I will include everything you need to complete the layout featured in this post! So for only $10 you can come use my stamps, my die cutting machine (I have lots of new fun shapes and alphabets now!) and any other non-consumables you can find.

I can't believe that I have been a mother for almost 7 years now...time is slipping through my fingers. When I saw these pictures of Sarah and how much she had changed but yet stayed the same they cried out to me!
Don't know where to start? Start in my workshop and we'll get you scrappin'!
