
Sunday, May 13, 2018

To all the mothers I've loved before...

Over the last few weeks I have loved working with almost 250 children and youth to create Mother's Day gifts. I worked in classrooms, in youth groups and I even visited a group of Pathfinders (Girl Guides).

I enjoyed being part of school communities, connecting with educators and being welcomed into classrooms and schools. I even took part in a fire drill!

I was delighted to receive this text from one of the moms who was lucky enough to receive 2 necklaces from her daughters.

I was even more delighted to hear from a friend today who told me that she saw 3 necklaces being worn today while she was out and about for Mother's Day! How fabulous is that?! There is an army of amazing women wearing these necklaces!

So blessed.
So full of love.
It takes a village.

Much love,

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