
Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day @ Our House

This weekend is a special one in our house...not only is it Mother's Day but also my birthday weekend. I made the necklace I am wearing myself but the creative kids have made me their own versions. 

Mr. CB finished this delightful piece for me. I am delighted to have it hanging in my kitchen. I made each of these sets of prints with the creative kids when they were about a year old. The perfect gift.

My request for today was to go somewhere near water. I love to travel to nearby places, small towns with water and lovely little shops all in a row. As we made our way through Elora (today's pick) I saw  The Elora Brewing Co. and immediately knew. That was where we would have lunch.

It was a solid choice. The fries were outstanding not only is the beer made in house but the ketchup is too (there is a bottle in my purse that we purchased on the way out). So good...our little mad couldn't say enough about how amazing his burger was (once he removed the offending tomato that is!) Just look at the size of it!!!

Even the Creative Princess ate the fries (she is a French fry hater). Sadly our middle mad chose to sit this adventure out. I hope that he will come around the next time...I hate adventuring without him...

So much fun.
So much food.
So much love,


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