
Friday, May 12, 2017

Living Intentionally

A number of months ago, I accepted a temporary role with The GO! Project as a Youth Coordinator. This means that I will have the opportunity to run a youth mission trip in St. John's Nfld and Halifax NS this summer. It also means that I will be working away from my home and family for a total of 14 weeks, 3 weeks of training and then 11 weeks half a country away.

I know what some of you are thinking...

Some of you are thinking...what ARE you thinking??? And others, I am so grateful for your encouragement. Thank you for giving me space to take this journey. So grateful.

How do you prepare for time away from your family? I started cooking. Filling our freezer with meals, baked goods and simplifying cooking for my family. Then I sewed. I finished projects I started over the last year, I made myself a few pieces of clothing for to pack...I nested.

Then, I started spending time with people, doing things with them. I baked almost 100 muffins and shared them with my family, my mother and my friends.

I started to choose my priorities and it was incredible. I stopped rushing, stressing and worrying about the things that I needed to get done.

So focused.
So intentional.
So blessed.

Much love,

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