
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Casting Shadows

One of my favourite things in Niagara is The Handmade Market. I love all the makers and the things they make. I love the smells, the fresh air. The buzz of chatter, the overwhelms my senses. All of them.

I was thinking about how I am looking forward to getting there when I became overwhelmed with memories. I was at the market in September, the day after I said good-bye to my Kait. It was also the day I was released from a contract. A contract that was hurting me.

So overwhelmed.

I was recently told a story about a boy. He was asked how he was doing and this is what he said:
Want to know how I feel? I feel like someone asked me if I wanted a glass of water. I said no but they put a glass in front of me and started pouring anyway. They kept pouring until the glass overflowed and they just kept on pouring.
I didn't ask for another chance, for the contract to be extended. I asked to leave. I just wanted, no needed to leave. I said no but someone else decided they knew what was best for me. Until the day after I said good-bye to my Kait...that is the day I was finally released. That is the day. The day pain, exhaustion and hurt overwhelmed me. The day I finally fell down.

It took me months to get back up. Months to let go. Months to move on...ready to go back to the market. To see all the makers, to smell all the smells, to hear the buzz and to watch the shadows step back as I step forward.

Here I am.
So overwhelmed.
So loved.
So blessed.

Much love from The HandMade Market,

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