
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Eggstravaganza!

We had a very colourful day at our most recent Creative Kids...first, we decided that it would be our last one for awhile (sad I know, we have been running Creative Kids for 6 years now and just never know how many children will sign up and when we will have to cancel)

Then we got straight to the kool-aid! Yep, you heard me right! Here is one of my helpers mixing it up!
AND since there wasn't enough Kool-aid to go around...we got out some Rice Krispies too!
We shaped the Krispies like eggs (by hand) and got to dipping!
It was a really fun thing to do!
And we sprinkled them too!
Back to the Kool-aid, we used that to dye our hard boiled eggs!
Works really nicely!
And we couldn't just leave the eggs we decoupaged on them! I even got out some 'boy' stamps because I knew my boys would love them! Sean was so pleased to take these eggs to school to eat them!
Our eggs! I bet you can tell which ones are Sarah's!
We finished it all off with an Easter Egg was all eggy that day! Thank goodness for the beautiful weather! We went outside and ran off some of our energy!


Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Spa Time!

There is nothing quite like a relaxing spa. Am I right? I finished March Break off just right then! With an afternoon creating soaps and bath bombs!

Well, first cupcakes actually...this young man was in charge of the mixer. He was such a great sport! The girls were a little shy around him but everyone settled in after a bit.
Mixing up the bathbombs...
Icing the cupcakes!
Happy Birthday!
Everyone took home some mini-soaps and their own bath bomb!
It was such a great group to have in my workshop...


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Creative Scrap Booking! March Break Camps

I had such a great time at my March Break Camps but I was really looking forward to scrapbooking...
It was going to be my quiet day! But we had a few last minute registrations and things got busy fast!
AND, I got out the shaving cream...
AND it got kind of messy (imagine that!)
But look at the amazing backgrounds we made with it!
And even better...the friends that were made throughout the week!
My photo of the week...after it was all said and done, it was my little guy who came to help me clean up my workshop.
Each of the children took home a mini album or 5 completed 12x12 pages ready to add photos to. We also took some time outside to stretch our legs and have our lunch!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Creative Science Returns! March Break Camps

I have to be honest with isn't my forte but what really keeps me going is that there is science in baking...
And you can blow things up - these bags literally popped open and sprayed all over the place (we were a safe distance from them don't worry!)
The time outside...
Fun with colours...
The smiling happy kids...
Zipline races are so neat...
Learning that there isn't one right answer and trying something different...
More colours...
 Did I mention the science in baking?
Perhaps science isn't so bad. It's just a matter of putting the right twist on it (get it? Pretzel twist!)

It was a fun filled day with time outside, gooey hands and new friends. Just thinking about the day makes me smile...I can't wait until summer camp starts!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Creative Cupcakes - March Break Camp!

There are some things I just never seem to tire of...cupcakes are definitely one of them! We made chocolate cupcakes...
AND a big mess...
We made rainbow cupcakes...
A closer look is in order here!
We made Green Shamrocks...
And baked them into Chocolate Mint Cupcakes!
Look! We decorated cupcakes too!
And the kids were fun!
A lot of fun!
A rainbow cupcake all dressed up!
We also made cupcake stands and cupcake bathbombs! My children insisted in hopping in the tub immediately afterwards!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pretty as a Princess...

I was lucky enough to start my March Break festivities with a birthday party on the Saturday!

We made cupcakes...
And hairband tiaras...I love making those!
Oh and Shrink Art!
Happy Birthday!
We had a great time...sorry for the photos my camera battery was finished. Can you see the cupcakes we crowned?


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Community Living Fun!

I've Got Sunshine...
On a Cloudy Day!
It doesn't matter how prepared I am or what we are doing. It doesn't matter if I forget supplies or I am short one or two things...the group that I spend my Tuesday Mornings with at Community Living are quite honestly sunshine for me. We laugh, we smile, we joke, we hug, we bump and we work together. I am talking about everyone here...the staff, the participants...we all have fun together. They are my sunshine on Tuesdays.
I often don't get to post every here are the results of another week...Mickey Cupcakes!
And some Beach Cupcakes!
One of the girls loves pink...I now go out of my way to make sure she gets pink when it's offered as a choice. Cause that's how I roll.
Enjoy the sunshine!