
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Community Living Fun!

I've Got Sunshine...
On a Cloudy Day!
It doesn't matter how prepared I am or what we are doing. It doesn't matter if I forget supplies or I am short one or two things...the group that I spend my Tuesday Mornings with at Community Living are quite honestly sunshine for me. We laugh, we smile, we joke, we hug, we bump and we work together. I am talking about everyone here...the staff, the participants...we all have fun together. They are my sunshine on Tuesdays.
I often don't get to post every here are the results of another week...Mickey Cupcakes!
And some Beach Cupcakes!
One of the girls loves pink...I now go out of my way to make sure she gets pink when it's offered as a choice. Cause that's how I roll.
Enjoy the sunshine!

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