
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Creative Science Returns! March Break Camps

I have to be honest with isn't my forte but what really keeps me going is that there is science in baking...
And you can blow things up - these bags literally popped open and sprayed all over the place (we were a safe distance from them don't worry!)
The time outside...
Fun with colours...
The smiling happy kids...
Zipline races are so neat...
Learning that there isn't one right answer and trying something different...
More colours...
 Did I mention the science in baking?
Perhaps science isn't so bad. It's just a matter of putting the right twist on it (get it? Pretzel twist!)

It was a fun filled day with time outside, gooey hands and new friends. Just thinking about the day makes me smile...I can't wait until summer camp starts!


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